5 Things you should know about dementia

Dementia21 – Dementia is not a natural part of ageing

When someone becomes forgetful or confused, friends are often quick to reassure them that this is just ‘what happens when you get older’. Some of us do struggle with our memory as we age or during times of stress or illness. But dementia is different. Lots of people momentarily forget a friend’s name – someone with dementia may forget ever having met them. They usually experience a range

of other symptoms alongside memory problems and will begin to struggle with daily life. Dementia is not a normal part of ageing. It’s caused by changes to the structure and chemistry of the brain.

Dementia doesn’t just affect older people. Younger people are also susceptible have dementia. This is called early-onset or young- onset dementia.

The chance of developing dementia increases with age. One in 14 people over 65 – and one in six people over 80 – has dementia. It’s more common among women than men.

Help and support:  If you are worried about your memory, or about someone else, the first step is to make an appointment to see the GP. The GP can help rule out other conditions that may have symptoms similar to dementia and that may be treatable. These include depression, chest and urinary infections, severe constipation, vitamin and thyroid deficiencies and brain tumours. The earlier you seek help, the sooner you can get the information, advice and support you need.

2 – Dementia is caused by diseases of the brain

The word dementia describes a group of symptoms that may include memory loss, difficulties with planning, problem-solving or language and sometimes changes in mood or behaviour.

What causes dementia? Dementia occurs when the brain is damaged by a disease. There are many known causes of dementia. The most common is Alzheimer’s disease. This changes the chemistry and structure of the brain, causing the brain cells to die. The first sign is usually short-term memory loss.

Other types of dementia include vascular dementia, mixed dementia (Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia), dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal dementia (including Pick’s disease). Each of these diseases affects the brain in slightly different ways. For example, Alzheimer’s disease tends to start slowly and progress gradually, while vascular dementia following a stroke often progresses in a stepped way.

Everyone’s dementia is different:
Whatever type of dementia a person has, everyone will experience the condition in their own way. How it affects a person over time is also unique to the individual – their own attitude, relationships with others and surroundings will all have an impact.

People often associate dementia with memory loss. And it does often start by affecting the short-term memory. Someone with dementia might repeat themselves and have problems recalling things that happened recently – although some people easily remember things from a long time ago. But dementia can also affect the way people think, speak, perceive things, feel and behave.

Common symptoms: Dementia often causes difficulties with concentration, planning and thinking things through. Some people will struggle with familiar daily tasks, like following
a recipe or using a bank card. Dementia also makes it harder to communicate.
For example, a person with dementia might have trouble remembering the right word or keeping up with a conversation. Many people have problems judging distances even though their eyes are fine. Mood changes and difficulties controlling emotions are common too. Someone might become unusually sad, frightened, angry or easily upset. They could lose their self-confidence and become withdrawn.

As dementia progresses: Dementia is progressive, which means that symptoms gradually get worse over time. How quickly this happens varies from person to person – and many people stay independent for years. Dementia is a condition that can affect anyone regardless of background, education, lifestyle or status.

There’s no known cure for dementia, but there are ways to help with symptoms and make life better at every stage. The more we understand about the condition, the more we can do to help people stay independent and live the life they want for as long as possible.

4 – It’s possible to live well with dementia

Scientists and researchers are working hard to find a cure for dementia. In partnership with people with dementia and their families, they are also looking into its causes, how it might be prevented and diagnosed earlier, and how to improve quality of life for people living with the condition.

Until we find a cure, there are drugs and other therapies that can help with some of the symptoms, so people can lead active, healthy lives and continue to do the things that matter to them most.

Drug treatments: There are medications available that may help with some types of dementia and stop symptoms progressing for a while. This is one reason it’s important to go to the doctor as soon as you suspect there’s a problem. It can feel like a big step to take, but a diagnosis can open up many opportunities to help overcome problems and find better ways of coping.

Non-drug treatments: People with dementia can also benefit from approaches that don’t involve drugs. For example, life story work, in which the person is encouraged to share their experiences and memories, or cognitive stimulation, which might involve doing word puzzles or discussing current affairs. Keeping as active as possible – physically, mentally and socially – can really help. It can boost memory and self-esteem and help avoid depression.

Dementia35 – There’s more to a person than the dementia

Living with dementia is challenging. When someone is diagnosed, their plans for the future might change. They may need help and support with everyday tasks or to keep doing the activities they enjoy. But dementia doesn’t change who they are. With the right support, it is possible for someone with dementia to live well and get the best out of life.

‘It’s important to carry on doing the things you enjoy, and not sideline yourself from your friends and family. We still go to the pictures and to the theatre.
We keep in touch with family and friends. We still go on holiday. We still go out together and do the things we always did.’ Brenda, whose husband has dementia

‘The art classes, choir and Memory Café are all brilliant for boosting my confidence. I’ve come away from my art classes and choir practice feeling like I’ve really achieved something. The choir has helped with my speech and memory too – I’m amazed that I can remember all the songs.’ Linda, living with dementia

‘Mum still does the things she used to do regularly – she still takes the dog to the woods like she used to. If she does something regularly and carries on doing it, she doesn’t normally forget it. Routine is really important.’ Pip, whose mother has dementia

Senior Care: Personal & Home Safety

Panic Alarm Bracelet

Personal and home safety, for people with alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Seniors can still remain in their homes, as long as safety measures are put in place to ensure their safety.

As Dementia and Alzheimer’s progresses, a person’s abilities change. But with some creativity and problem solving, you can adapt the home environment to support these changes.

How Dementia affects safety

Alzheimer’s disease causes a number of changes in the brain and body that may affect safety. With creativity and flexibility, you can create a home that is both safe and supportive of the person’s needs for social interaction and meaningful activity.

Depending on the stage of the disease, these can include:

  • Judgment: forgetting how to use household appliances
  • Sense of time and place: getting lost on one’s own street; being unable to recognize or find familiar areas in the home
  • Behavior: becoming easily confused, suspicious or fearful
  • Physical ability: having trouble with balance; depending upon a walker or wheelchair to get around
  • Senses: experiencing changes in vision, hearing, sensitivity to temperatures or depth perception

Home safety tips

  • Assess your home: Look at your home through the eyes of a person with dementia. What objects could injure the person? Identify possible areas of danger. Is it easy to get outside or to other dangerous areas like the kitchen, garage or basement?
  • Lock or disguise hazardous areas: Cover doors and locks with a painted mural or cloth. Use “Dutch” (half) doors, swinging doors or folding doors to hide entrances to the kitchen, stairwell, workroom and storage areas.
  • Home Safety Checklist: Contact us at “In Or Care – Home Care Services to conduct a safety survey and discuss measures to correct findings. The process is easier than you think and solutions need not be cost prohibitive.
  • Be prepared for emergencies: Keep a list of emergency phone numbers and addresses for local police and fire departments, hospitals and poison control helplines.
  • Make sure safety devices are in working order: Have working fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Routine inspections, testing and replacing back-up batteries on applicable devices as just as important… Don’t assume because you have then, that they’re functioning as they should.
  • Install locks out of sight: Place deadbolts either high or low on exterior doors to make it difficult for the person to wander out of the house. Keep an extra set of keys hidden near the door for easy access. Remove locks in bathrooms or bedrooms so the person cannot get locked inside.
  • Keep walkways well-lit: Add extra lights to entries, doorways, stairways, areas between rooms, and bathrooms. Use night-lights in hallways, bedrooms and bathrooms to prevent accidents and reduce disorientation.
  • Place medications in a locked drawer or cabinet: To help ensure that medications are taken safely, use a pillbox organizer or keep a daily list and check off each medication as it is taken.
  • Remove tripping hazards: Keep floors and other surfaces clutter-free. Remove objects such as magazine racks, coffee tables and floor lamps.
  • Watch the temperature of water and food: It may be difficult for the person with dementia to tell the difference between hot and cold. Set water temperature at 120 degrees or less to prevent scalding.
  • Support the person’s needs: Try not to create a home that feels too restrictive. The home should encourage independence and social interaction. Clear areas for activities.

Six in 10 people with dementia will wander

A person with Alzheimer’s may not remember his or her name or address, and can become disoriented, even in familiar places. Wandering among people with dementia is dangerous, but there are strategies and services to help prevent it.

Who is at risk of wandering?

Anyone who has memory problems and is able to walk is at risk for wandering. Even in the early stages of dementia, a person can become disoriented or confused for a period of time. It’s important to plan ahead for this type of situation. Be on the lookout for the following warning signs:

Wandering and getting lost is common among people with dementia and can happen during any stage of the disease. 

  • Returns from a regular walk or drive later than usual
  • Tries to fulfill former obligations, such as going to work
  • Tries or wants to “go home,” even when at home
  • Is restless, paces or makes repetitive movements
  • Has difficulty locating familiar places like the bathroom, bedroom or dining room
  • Asks the whereabouts of current or past friends and family
  • Acts as if doing a hobby or chore, but nothing gets done (e.g., moves around pots and dirt without actually planting anything)
  • Appears lost in a new or changed environment

 Tips to prevent wandering

Wandering can happen, even if you are the most diligent of caregivers. Use the following strategies to help lower the chances:

  • Identify the most likely times of day that wandering may occur:
Plan activities at that time. Activities and exercise can reduce anxiety, agitation and restlessness.
  • Reassure the person if he or she feels lost, abandoned or disoriented: If the person with dementia wants to leave to “go home” or “go to work,” use communication focused on exploration and validation. Refrain from correcting the person. For example, “We are staying here tonight. We are safe and I’ll be with you. We can go home in the morning after a good night’s rest.”
  • Ensure all basic needs are met: Has the person gone to the bathroom? Is he or she thirsty or hungry?
  • Avoid busy places that are confusing and can cause disorientation: This could be shopping malls, grocery stores or other busy venues.
  • Place locks out of the line of sight: Install either high or low on exterior doors, and consider placing slide bolts at the top or bottom.
  • Camouflage doors and door handles: Camouflage doors by painting them the same color as the walls, or cover them with removable curtains or screens. Cover knobs with cloth the same color as the door or use childproof knobs.
  • Use devices that signal when a door or window is opened: This can be as simple as a bell placed above a door or as sophisticated as an electronic home alarm.
  • Provide supervision: Never lock the person with dementia in at home alone or leave him or her in a car without supervision.
  • Keep car keys out of sight: A person with dementia may drive off and be at risk of potential harm to themselves or others.
  • If night wandering is a problem: Make sure the person has restricted fluids two hours before bedtime and has gone to the bathroom just before bed. Also, use night-lights throughout the home.

Make a plan

The stress experienced by families and caregivers when a person with dementia wanders and becomes lost is significant. Have a plan in place beforehand, so you know what to do in case of an emergency.

  • Keep a list of people to call on for help: Have telephone numbers easily accessible and update them every six months.
  • When someone with dementia is missing: Begin search-and-rescue efforts immediately. Ninety-four percent of people who wander are found within 1.5 miles of where they disappeared.
  • Ask neighbors, friends and family to call if they see the person alone.
  • Keep a recent, close-up photo and updated medical information on hand to give to police.
  • Know your neighborhood: Pinpoint dangerous areas near the home, such as bodies of water, open stairwells, dense foliage, tunnels, bus stops and roads with heavy traffic.
  • Keep a list of places where the person may wander:
This could include past jobs, former homes, places of worship or a restaurant.
  • Provide the person with ID jewelry: Medical alert bracelet and or electronic wander guard device preferably with GPS capability.
  • If the person does wander, search the immediate area for no more than 15 minutes: Call “911” and report to the police that a person with Alzheimer’s disease — a “vulnerable adult” — is missing. A Missing Report should be filed and the police will begin to search for the individual. Make a point of knowing what they’re wearing for a more accurate description.

Many people with dementia want to live at home for as long as possible. Often, this is with support from others. However, it can be difficult managing everyday situations if you have dementia, particularly as the dementia progresses and you get older. As a result, some people may not be as safe at home as they used to be. This factsheet looks at how a person with dementia can stay safe at home and in the surrounding environment. It identifies some risks in the home environment and suggests ways to manage them.

 It is important to find the right balance between independence and unnecessary harm. The person with dementia should, where possible, be involved in decision-making and their consent sought and given about changes. If this is not possible, it is important that those making the decision do so in the person’s best interests.

Many of the issues in this factsheet are related to the normal ageing process. However, having dementia can place a person at higher risk of experiencing some of these issues. Everyone will experience dementia in their own way. The type of risks they face, and strategies to manage these, will depend on the individual and their situation.

Avoid falls

Falls are a common and potentially serious problem affecting older people. The risk of falls increases with age. This may be because of a range of factors: medical conditions (such as stroke), medication, balance difficulties, visual impairment, cognitive impairment and environmental factors. Falls can have detrimental effects on people, including injuries, loss of confidence and reduced activity.

For some people with dementia, the condition can also increase the likelihood of falling.

There are a number of things that can be done at home to reduce the risk of falling:

  • Home safety: Check the home for potential hazards such as rugs, loose carpets, furniture or objects lying on the floor. An occupational therapist may be able to help with identifying hazards and suggesting appropriate modifications.
  • Exercise: Regular exercise can improve strength and balance and help to maintain good general health. A referral to a physiotherapist may also help. Speak to your GP to find out more.
  • Healthy feet: Foot problems, including foot pain and long toenails, can contribute to an increased risk of falls. Seeing a podiatrist (a health professional who specializes in feet) can help. Contact your doctor to find out more.
  • Medicines: Medication can have side effects, including dizziness, which could increase the risk of a fall. Changes to medication or dosage, as well as taking multiple medicines, can increase a person’s risk of falling. Speak to the doctor about a medicine review if the person with dementia is taking more than four medicines.
  • Eyesight: Regular eye tests and wearing the correct glasses may help to prevent falls.
  • Keep objects in easy reach: If something is going to be used regularly, keep it in a cupboard or drawer that is easy to access.
  • Try not to rush: Do things at an appropriate pace; many people fall when they are rushing.

Improve lighting

As people get older they need more light to see clearly. This is because of age-related changes to the eyes. These changes include:

  • Pupils becoming smaller
  • Increased sensitivity to glare
  • Reduced amount of light reaching the retina.

Dementia can cause damage to the visual system (the eyes and the parts of the nervous system that process visual information), and this can lead to difficulties. The type of difficulty will depend on the type of dementia. Problems may include:

  • Decreased sensitivity to differences in contrast (including colour contrast such as black and white, and contrast between objects and background)
  • Reduced ability to detect movement
  • Reduced ability to detect different colours (for example, a person may have problems telling the difference between blue and purple)
  • Changes to the visual field (how much someone can see around the edge of their vision while looking straight ahead)
  • Double vision.

Improved lighting can reduce falls, depression and sleep disorders, and improve independence and general health. The following tips may help:

  • Increase light levels and use daylight where possible.
  • Minimize glare, reflection and shadows. Glare can be distracting and can reduce a person’s mobility.
  • Lighting should be uniform across any space, and pools of light and sudden changes in light levels should be avoided. This is because when a person gets older, their eyes adapt slowly to changes in light levels.
  • Remove visual clutter and distractions such as carpets with floral patterns.
  • Use colour contrasts to make things clearer, ie: a light door with a dark frame.
  • Leave a light on in the toilet or bathroom during the night. A night-light in the bedroom may help if someone gets up in the night.

Store dangerous substances safely

Dangerous substances, including medicines and household cleaning chemical should be stored somewhere safe. If the person with dementia is unable to administer their own medication safely, arrangements should be made for someone else to do this. A dosette box could be helpful. These have separate tablet compartments for days of the week and/or times of day such as morning, afternoon and evening.

Adaptations to the home

As people get older they may experience difficulties in managing everyday activities such as cooking or bathing, for a variety of reasons. People with dementia may experience additional challenges as their dementia progresses, because of memory problems or a reduced ability to carry out tasks in the correct sequence.

Adapting the home can help people with dementia to maintain their independence and reduce the risk of harm. It can also help to adapt some everyday tasks slightly. The following tips may help:

  • Label cupboards and objects with pictures and words so that they can be identified.
  • Where possible, use devices that only have one function and are easy to identify, for example a kettle.
  • Place clear instructions that can easily be followed somewhere visible.
  • Make sure the kitchen is well lit.
  • If there are concerns about using gas or electrical appliances inappropriately, contact the gas or electricity company and ask for the person to be put on the priority service register. This means that they will be eligible for free regular safety checks and will be able to get advice about safety measures such as isolation valves (advice is also available for care givers).
  • Fit an isolation valve to a gas cooker so that the cooker cannot be turned on and left on. Devices are also available for electric cookers.
  • Look into products that may help to maintain independence and safety such as electric kettles that switch off automatically.
  • If the person’s ability to recognize danger is declining, consider removing potentially dangerous implements such as sharp knives, but place other items for everyday use within easy reach.
  • Create a “wander loop” in your home, a safe pathway that allows the patient to safely roam.
  • Use reflector tape to create a path to the bathroom.
  • Cover radiators and electrical outlets with guards.
  • Lock doors that lead to places like basements and garages.
  • Install safety locks and alarms on exit doors and gates.
  • Cover smooth or shiny surfaces to reduce confusing glare.
  • Eliminate shadows with a lamp that reflects off the ceiling.
  • Cover or remove mirrors if they are upsetting to a person with hallucinations.
  • Store car keys in a locked container; disable the car.
  • Do not allow unattended smoking.
  • Make sure an I.D. bracelet is being worn at all times.
  • When selecting home care, make sure to hire an aide who has been trained to deal with dementia and Alzheimer’s patients, and is under the supervision of a skilled home care nurse.
  • And, most importantly, constantly re-assess your parent’s abilities with the help of a nurse or physician.

Avoid fire

There are ways to minimize the risk of fire in the home, including fitting smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, and checking home appliances.

Local fire and rescue services can provide free home safety visits. They offer advice about how to make the home safer, as well as fitting smoke alarms and planning escape routes. Electric and gas appliances can be dangerous. It is important to check appliances to make sure they are working safely. Some appliances will have built-in safety features. Consider placing safety devices on stoves so that they are not accidently placed, or left on the on position.

Stay safe outdoors

Being outdoors is important for people of all ages and has many benefits. It is good for mental and physical health, including wellbeing, sleep and appetite Being outdoors can have psychological benefits such as reduced depression and agitation. Activity can also enhance a person’s independence and wellbeing. A garden, balcony or outdoor space can help to bring these benefits to people with dementia. It is important to manage any risks that may come with being outdoors.

The Following suggestions may help:

  • Make sure the area is well lit. This could be done with a sensor light, so that if a person is outside and daylight is fading they are still able to see adequately.
  • Put a rail on any stairs to help the person get up and down them. It can also help to highlight the edges of each step.
  • Avoid trip hazards such as loose paving slabs or uneven surfaces.
  • Have seating areas so that the person can take a rest or enjoy being outside if they are unsteady on their feet.
  • Use shelter to protect people from the elements if they want to spend a long time outside – a parasol or hat to minimize sun exposure.

Ensuring your home is adequately assessed for safety concerns is you first step in assuring that your love one enjoys their decision to remain in their home for as long as possible.

We can help. From an initial assessment to providing the home care services you need to meet your needs.

Loneliness & Isolation

The eyes do speak

The eyes do speak

Feelings of loneliness & isolation can lead to serious consequences for senior health. Understanding the causes and risk factors for senior isolation can help us prevent it.

My 30+ years of Healthcare Administration experience, particularly the 26 years of Geriatric Care, has taught me much above caring for older adults. However, researching for this article made me realize that although I wanted to focus on how Loneliness & Isolation is pertinent to older adults… it is equally applicable to all age groups. For the sake of relevance and theme of Eldercare, this article reviews the context of loneliness and social isolation in later life is that of “successful aging” and “quality of life”. The term “quality of life” includes a broad range of areas of life.

There is little agreement about a single definition of the term. Models of quality of life range from identification of “life satisfaction” or “social wellbeing” to models based upon concepts of independence, control, social and cognitive competence. However, regardless of how the concept of quality of life is defined, research has consistently demonstrated the importance of social and family relationships towards the achievement of “successful aging” and “quality of life”.

No one relishes the prospect of aging without a spouse, family members at their side or without friends to help them laugh at the ridiculous parts & support them through difficult times. Yet, that is just what many North American seniors face. As the baby boomer generation crosses the over-65 threshold and the overall population of older adults skyrocket many of our aging loved ones are still feeling alone in the crowd.

While living alone does not inevitably lead to social isolation, it is certainly a predisposing factor. Yet another important consideration is how often seniors engage in social activities. Statistics Canada reports that 80% of Canadian Seniors participate in one or more social activities on a frequent basis (at least monthly) – but that leaves fully one-fifth of seniors not participating in weekly or even monthly activities. Social contacts tend to decrease as we age for a variety of reasons, including retirement, the death of friends & family or lack of mobility.

Regardless of the causes of senior isolation, the consequences can be alarming and even harmful. Even perceived social isolation – the feeling that you are lonely – is a struggle for many older people. Fortunately, the past couple of decades have seen increasing research into the risks, causes, and prevention of loneliness in seniors.

Below are the major documented facts about senior isolation to help you stay informed:

Senior isolation increases the risk of mortality
According to a 2012 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, both social isolation and loneliness are associated with a higher risk of mortality in adults aged 52 and older.

One possible explanation: “People who live alone or lack social contacts may be at increased risk of death if acute symptoms develop, because there is less of a network of confidantes to prompt medical attention.” Efforts to reduce isolation are the key to addressing the issue of mortality, said the study’s authors.

Feelings of loneliness can negatively affect both physical & mental health
Regardless of the facts of a person’s isolation, seniors who feel lonely and isolated are more likely to report also having poor physical and/or mental health, as reported in a study using data from the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project. Connecting seniors with social resources, such as senior centers, home care agency and meal delivery programs, is one way to combat subjective feelings of isolation.

Perceived loneliness contributes to cognitive decline and risk of dementia
Dr. John Cacioppo, a neuroscientist and psychologist at the University of Chicago, has been studying social isolation for 30 years. One frightening finding is that feelings of loneliness are linked to poor cognitive performance and quicker cognitive decline. We evolved to be a social species, says Dr. Cacioppo – it’s hard-wired into our brains, and when we don’t meet that need, it can have physical and neurological effects.

Social isolation makes seniors more vulnerable to elder abuse
Many studies show a connection between social isolation and higher rates of elder abuse, reports the National Center on Elder Abuse. Whether this is because isolated adults are more likely to fall victim to abuse, or a result of abusers attempting to isolate the elders from others to minimize risk of discovery, researchers aren’t certain. A critical strategy for reducing elder abuse is speaking up: abuse, neglect and exploitation often go unreported. As for prevention, maintaining connections with senior loved ones helps us ensure their safety.

LGBT seniors are much more likely to be socially isolated
LGBT seniors are twice as likely to live alone, according to SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders); they are more likely to be single and they are less likely to have children – and they are more likely to be estranged from their biological families. Stigma and discrimination are major roadblocks to support for LGBT seniors, but there are more and more community groups and online resources devoted to helping these elders avoid isolation.

Social isolation in seniors is linked to long-term illness
In the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences study, illnesses and conditions such as chronic lung disease, arthritis, impaired mobility, and depression were associated with social isolation. Ensuring appropriate care for our loved ones’ illnesses can help prevent this isolation. For homebound seniors, phone calls and visits can be a critical part of connecting with loved ones. Others may find that moving to an assisted living community or obtaining home care arrangements mitigates both issues – the need for ongoing care, empathy and the desire for meaningful companionship.

Loneliness in seniors is a major risk factor for depression
Numerous studies over the past decade have shown that feeling loneliness is associated with more depressive symptoms in both middle-aged and older adults. One important first step is recognizing those feelings of loneliness, isolation and depression and seeking treatment – whether it’s on your own behalf or for the sake of a loved one.

Loneliness causes high blood pressure
A 2010 study in Psychology and Aging indicated a direct relationship between loneliness in older adults and increases in systolic blood pressure over a 4-year period. These increases were independent of race, ethnicity, gender, and other possible contributing factors. Early interventions for loneliness, say the study’s authors, may be key to preventing both the isolation and associated health risks.

Socially isolated seniors are more pessimistic about the future
According to the National Council on Aging, socially isolated seniors are more likely to predict their quality of life will get worse over the next 5-10 years, are more concerned about needing help from community programs as they get older, and are more likely to express concerns about aging in place.

The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging says community-based programs and services are critical in helping ward off potential problems and improving quality of life for older people.

Physical and geographic isolation often leads to social isolation
“One in six seniors living alone in the Canada & US faces physical, cultural, and/or geographical barriers that isolate them from their peers and communities,” reports the National Council on Aging. “This isolation can prevent them from receiving benefits and services that can improve their economic security and their ability to live healthy, independent lives.” Referring isolated older adults to senior centers, activity programs, and transportation services can go a long way toward creating valuable connections and reducing isolation.

Isolated seniors are more likely to need long-term care
Loneliness and social isolation are major predictors of seniors utilizing home care, as well as entering nursing homes, according to a 2004 report from the Children’s, Women’s and Seniors Health Branch, British Columbia Ministry of Health. The positive angle of these findings, says the report, is that using long-term health care services can in itself connect seniors with much-needed support. Particularly for seniors in rural areas where home care may not be viable, entering a care facility may provide companionship and social contact.

Loss of a spouse is a major risk factor for loneliness and isolation
Losing a spouse, an event which becomes more common as people enter older age, has been shown by numerous studies to increase seniors’ vulnerability to emotional and social isolation, says the same report from the British Columbia Ministry of Health. Besides the loneliness brought on by bereavement, the loss of a partner may also mean the loss of social interactions that were facilitated by being part of a couple. Ensuring seniors have access to family and friendship support can help alleviate this loneliness.

Transportation challenges can lead to social isolation
Life expectancy exceeds safe driving expectancy after age 70 by about six years for men and 10 years for women. Yet, 41% of seniors do not feel that the transportation support in their community is adequate.

Having access to adequate public transportation or other senior transportation services is key to seniors’ accessing programs and resources, as well as their feelings of connectedness and independence.

Family Caregivers of the elderly are also at risk for social isolation
Being a family caregiver is an enormous responsibility, whether you are caring for a parent, spouse, or other relative. When that person has Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or a physical impairment, the caregiver may feel even less able to set aside his or her caregiving duties to attend to social relationships they previously enjoyed. This can trigger loneliness and depression. Seeking support, caring for yourself, and even looking for temporary respite care can help ward off caregiver loneliness and restore your sense of connection.

Loneliness can be contagious
Studies have found that loneliness has a tendency to spread from person to person, due to negative social interactions and other factors. In other words, when one person is lonely, that loneliness is more likely to spread to friends or contacts of the lonely individual. Making things even worse, people have a tendency to further isolate people who are lonely because we have evolved to avoid threats to our social cohesion. It’s a complicated situation, and simply telling seniors to engage in more social activities may not be enough. Considering our loved ones’ needs as individuals is a valuable first step to figuring out how to prevent or combat isolation.

Lonely people are more likely to engage in unhealthy behavior
A 2011 study using data from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) found that people who are socially isolated or lonely are also more likely to report risky health behaviors such as poor diet, lack of physical activity, and smoking. Conversely, social support can help encourage seniors to eat well, exercise, and live healthy lifestyles. Living in a community situation can be an effective barrier to loneliness, and most senior communities specifically promote wellness through diet and exercise programs.

Volunteering can reduce social isolation and loneliness in seniors
We all know that volunteering is a rewarding activity, and seniors have a unique skill set and a richness of life experience to contribute to their communities. It can also boost longevity and contribute to overall mental health, wellbeing, and it ensures that seniors have a source of social connection. There are many opportunities tailor-made for seniors interested in volunteering

Feeling isolated? Take a class
A review of studies looking at various types of interventions on senior loneliness found that the most effective programs for combating isolation had an educational or training component: for instance, classes on health-related topics, computer training, or exercise classes.

Technology can help senior isolation – but not always
Even though modern technology provides us with more opportunities than ever for keeping in touch, sometimes the result is that we feel lonelier than ever. The key to finding technological interventions that really do help, says Health Quality Ontario, is matching those interventions to the specific needs of individual seniors. One simple strategy that does help: for seniors with hearing loss, simply providing a hearing aid can improve communication and reduce loneliness. Phone contact and Web-based support programs were less consistent in their effectiveness, but for some, they might provide a lifeline.

Physical activity reduces senior isolation
Group exercise programs, it turns out, are a wonderfully effective way to reduce isolation and loneliness in seniors – and of course they have the added benefit of being great for physical and mental health. In one study, discussed by Health Quality Ontario, seniors reported greater wellbeing regardless of whether the activity was aerobic or lower-impact, like stretching.

Loneliness & Isolation is neither inevitable nor irreversible. Getting the facts can help us better understand and prevent loneliness in the lives of our older loved ones, as they face the life changes of aging.

In reference to the beginning of the article, one can easily relate how this article is not to simply to understand, intervene and mitigate loneliness & isolation as it pertains to affecting the lives our older loved ones. Loneliness and isolation affects individuals in all age categories and the above points will go a long way in staving off those affects and achieving “successful aging” and “quality of life”.

In Our Care – Home Care Services, understand that care is not simply based on the physical support your older loved one may need… there are a broad spectrum built-in service components to achieve our overall goal… Enriching the lives of those we love and deliver care to.

Your loved one may not be direct family, but they’re part of the In Our Care family… therefore they are.

Please contact us today, to discuss any challenges you may be facing and how our services can help you remain independent, protected, safe, and in you home / community.

You got questions, we have answers: (905) 785-2341 or email us at 

Myths & Facts About Aging

elderly-womanThis article delves into ageist stereotypes dressed-up in the garb of myth that biases perceptions and experiences of being old. The article argues current ”mythmaking” about aging perpetuates that which it intends to dispel: ageism. It considers how traditional myths and folklore explained personal experience, shapes social life, and offers meaning for the unexplainable. The current myths of aging perform these same functions in our culture; however, they are based on half-truths, false knowledge, and stated as ageist stereotypes about that which is known. Recent studies in the cognitive sciences are reviewed to provide insight about the mind’s inherent ability to construct categories, concepts, and stereotypes as it responds to experience. These normal processes need to be better understood, particularly regarding how social stereotypes are constructed. Finally, the article argues that ageist stereotypes when labeled as ”myth” even in the pursuit of the realities of aging, neither educate the public about the opportunities and challenges of aging nor inform social and health practitioners about the aged.

Think you know the facts about growing older? Think again.

Take a brief quiz to determine your knowledge on myth versus fact as it relates to aging:

Myths of Aging QuizAnswer true or false to each statement.

  1. Polypharmacy (administration of many drugs together) can lead to a change in mental status.
  2. Aging is a universal phenomenon.
  3. Older adults may present with atypical symptoms that complicate diagnosis.
  4. The body’s reaction to changes in medications remains constant with advancing age.
  5. If the rehabilitation nurse observes a sudden change in mental status in an older adult, medication side effects should be investigated as a likely cause.
  6. Primary causes of delirium in older adults include medications, dehydration, and infection.
  7. Dehydration is not common in older adults.
  8. Older adults experiencing a decline in daily function will show no benefit from early rehabilitation.
  9. A decline in functional ability for a person residing in a long-term care facility may indicate the onset of a new illness.
  10. Urinary incontinence is so common in older adults that it is considered a nor- mal part of aging.

Answers: 1. True; 2. True; 3. True; 4. False; 5. True; 6. True; 7. False; 8. False; 9. True; 10. False

In no particular order… what are the common 20 myths that are often associate with Aging

Myth: Dementia is an inevitable part of aging
“Dementia should be seen as a modifiable health condition and, if it occurs, should be followed as a medical condition, not a normal part of aging. In other words, if you or your loved one becomes forgetful, it could be related to medication, nutrition or modifiable medical issues, she said. Don’t assume Alzheimer’s.

Just consider that when doctors examined the brain of a 115-year-old woman who, when she died, was the world’s oldest woman, they found essentially normal brain tissue, with no evidence of Alzheimer’s or other dementia-causing conditions. Testing in the years before she died showed no loss in brain function.

Not only is dementia not inevitable with age, but you actually have some control over whether or not you develop it. “We’re only now starting to understand the linkages between health in your 40s, 50s and 60s and cognitive function later in life. Studies find that many of the same risk factors that contribute to heart disease—high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity… may also contribute to Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

For instance, studies on the brains of elderly people with and without dementia find significant blood vessel damage in those with hypertension. Such damage shrinks the amount of healthy brain tissue you have in reserve, reducing the amount available if a disease like Alzheimer’s. That’s important, because we’re starting to understand that the more brain function you have to begin with, the more you can afford to lose before your core functions are affected.

Myth: Creaky, Achy Joints are Unavoidable
Not exercising is what makes achy joints inevitable. When Australian researchers at the Monash University Medical School looked at women ages 40 to 67, they found that those who exercised at least once every two weeks for 20 minutes or more had more cartilage in their knees. It suggests that being physically active made them less likely to develop arthritis.

In Fact – You may actually dodge the dementia bullet… Exercise your body and your brain. Physical activity plays a role in reducing the risk of diseases that cause Alzheimer’s. It also builds up that brain reserve. One study found just six months of regular physical activity increased brain volume in 59 healthy but couch-potato individuals ages 60 to 79. Other research finds people who exercised twice a week over an average of 21 years slashed their risk of Alzheimer’s in half.

Then there’s intellectual exercise. It doesn’t matter what kind, just that you break out of your comfort zone. Even writing letters twice a week instead of sending e-mail can have brain-strengthening benefits. That’s because such novel activities stimulate more regions of the brain, increasing blood flow and helping to not only build brain connections, but improve the health of existing tissue. 

Myth: If you didn’t exercise in your 30s & 40s, it’s too late to start in your 50s, 60s or 70s
It’s’s never too late! In an oft-cited study, 50 men and women with an average age of 87 worked out with weights for 10 weeks and increased their muscle strength 113 percent. Even more important, they also increased their walking speed, a marker of overall physical health in the elderly.

Myth: Your Bones Become Fragile And Your Posture Bends
Remember, only death is certain when it comes to aging. Osteoporosis is definitely more common in older people, but it’s also very preventable. 

A study of females over 100 years of age found that only 56 percent had osteoporosis, and their average age at diagnosis was 87. Not bad, given these women grew up before the benefits of diet and exercise on bone were understood. Thankfully, you know better.

Myth: Old Age Kills Your Libido
Impotence and reduced libido are related to normally preventable medical conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and depression. The solution is keeping yourself in shape. Something as simple as lifting weights a couple times a week can improve your sex life. Sexual desire might decline a bit as you age, but that doesn’t typically occur until age 75A survey of 3,005 people ages 57 to 85 found the chance of being sexually active depended as much if not more on their health and their partner’s health than on their age. Women who rated their health as “very good” or “excellent” were 79 percent more likely to be sexually active than women who rated their health as “poor” or “fair.” And while fewer people ages 75 to 85 had sex than those 57 to 74, more than half (54 percent) of those who were sexually active had intercourse two or three times a month. emember – Sexually transmitted diseases do not discriminate based on age. If you’re not in a monogamous relationship, you or your partner should use a condom.

Myth: Getting older is depressing so expect to be depressed
No way! “Depression is highly treatable. If older people could just admit to it and get help, they could probably live a much more active and healthy life.” That’s because studies find that older people who are depressed are more likely to develop memory and learning problems, while other research links depression to an increased risk of death from numerous age-related diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, stroke and pneumonia.

Myth: Genes Play The Biggest Role In How You’ll Age
Even if you’re born with the healthiest set of genes, how you live your life determines how they behave over your lifespan. Your genes can be changed by what you eat, how much physical activity you get, and even your exposure to chemicals.

Myth: Women fear aging more so than men
Not so! A survey conducted on behalf of the National Women’s Health Resource Center found that women tend to have a positive outlook on aging and to be inspired by others who also have positive attitudes and who stay active as they grow older. Women surveyed were most likely to view aging as “an adventure and opportunity” and less likely to view it as depressing or a struggle.

Myth: You Lose Your Creativity As You Age
Creativity actually offers huge benefits for older people. A study found that older adults who joined a choir were in better health, used less medication, and had fewer falls after a year than a similar group that didn’t join. The singers also said they were less lonely, had a better outlook on life, and participated in more activities overall than the non-singing group, who actually reduced the number of activities they participated in during the year.

Myth: The pain and disability caused by arthritis is inevitable, as you get older
senior in the poolWhile arthritis is more common as you age, thanks to the impact of time on the cushiony cartilage that prevents joints and bone from rubbing against one another, age itself doesn’t cause arthritis. There are steps you can take in your youth to prevent it, such as losing weight, wearing comfortable, supportive shoes (as opposed to three-inch spikes), and taking it easy with joint-debilitating exercise like running and basketball. One study found women who exercised at least once every two weeks for at least 20 minutes were much less likely to develop arthritis of the knee (the most common location for the disease) than women who exercised less.

Myth: Your Brain Stops Developing After Age 3
This developmental myth was overturned in the 1990s, and ever since, researchers no longer look at the older brain as a static thing. Instead, studies show your brain continues to send out new connections and to strengthen existing ones throughout your life — as long as you continue to challenge it. It really is your body’s ultimate muscle.

Myth: Your Brain Shrinks With Age
This myth began with studies in 2002 showing that the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory, was significantly smaller in older people than in younger people. This never sounded right to Dr. Lupien, particularly after she conducted groundbreaking research in the late 1990s showing that chronic stress shrinks the hippocampus. 

Was it age or stress that was responsible for the shrinking brains of older people? Probably stress. When she examined brain scans of 177 people ages 18 to 85, she found that 25 percent of the 18- to 24-year-olds had hippocampus volumes as small as those of adults ages 60 to 75.

Myth: Seniors Are Always Cranky And Unhappy
When researchers from Heidelberg, Germany, interviewed 40 centenarians, they found that despite significant physical and mental problems, 71 percent said they were happy, and more than half said they were as happy as they’d been at younger ages. Plus, when the researchers compared them to a group of middle-age people, they found that both groups were just as happy. Most important: Nearly 70 percent of the centenarians said they laughed often. What does it all mean? It means there is no universal definition of aging. How you’ll age is entirely up to you – and the time to begin writing that definition is today.

Myth: When you get older, you don’t need as much sleep
You may need as much sleep as when you were younger, but you may have more trouble getting a good night’s sleep. “It is not so much that there is a decline in the number of hours needed, but rather that sleep patterns may change with a tendency to more naps and shorter nighttime periods of deep sleep.

Myth: If you live long enough, you’re going to be senile
The odds are against it. “The probability of senility at age 65 is only about five percent. It rises to about 20 percent by age 85.

The term “senility” is no longer used to describe dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of primary progressive dementia. Alzheimer’s is linked to age, Dr. Gorbien says, and older people worried about it should seek an assessment with a geriatrician, neurologist or psychiatrist.
“Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease is so important,” he says. New medications may slow the progression of the disease and help keep people independent.

Myth: Older adults are always alone and lonely
In proportion the number of older people living alone are greater than their younger counterparts, but they are not necessarily lonely. Relationships may grow more intense in old age, Dr. Schaie says. More people live alone as the population ages, Dr. Gorbien says. And Dr. Schaie says gender differences in average life spans leave many more women than men widowed. Widowed men are more likely than women to remarry, Dr. Schaie says, “because of the availability of a larger pool of eligible partners.”

“Most seniors are active,” adds AARP spokesman Tom Otwell. Many have paying jobs, regularly volunteer, garden or help care for grandchildren, for instance.

Myth: Old age means losing all my teeth
If you’re not worried about losing your mind when you’re old, you might fret about losing your teeth. Periodontitis, or late stage gum disease, is the primary cause of tooth loss in adults. This condition commonly begins as gingivitis where gums turn red and begin to swell and bleed, a situation experienced by too many people. Fortunately healthy gums and avoiding false teeth are both reasonable goals.

The elderly of today are much more likely to keep their teeth than previous generations. Even so, dental disease is prevalent. The New England Elders Dental Study found the beginnings of periodontal disease in over 3/4 of the 1150 persons examined. Part of the problem, said these investigators, was that education and dental care for this population are overlooked by both dentists and the patients themselves. The sad part of this situation is that proper dental hygiene and regular cleanings by the dentist are usually enough to stave off infection. Healthy people should replace their toothbrushes every two weeks; those with a systemic or oral illness more often. Everyone should use a new toothbrush when they get sick, when they feel better and again when they completely recover.

Myth: The older I get, the sicker I’ll get
It’s true that as we age, our physiology changes. These changes can lead to poor health if not addressed. But old age doesn’t have to mean feeling sick and tired. An important part of staying well into the older years is keeping your immune system operating at its peak. Aging is generally associated with lagging immunity and consequently more infections especially of the respiratory system. However, John Hopkins’ Professor Chandra discovered that when independent, apparently healthy, elderly people were fed nutritional supplements for a year, their immunity improved. Immunological responses were so marked that those who were supplemented (versus the placebo group) were plagued with less infections and took antibiotics for less days. Besides taking care of your immunity with supplementation, diet, exercise and other measures, you can prevent many age-related diseases with specific health precautions. For example, there is evidence that smoking and low plasma levels of vitamins C and E, and beta-carotene contribute to cataracts.

Calcium and magnesium supplementation helps some individuals with hypertension. Most are helped by high potassium foods (fruits and vegetables), salt restriction and weight maintenance. Keeping blood pressure under control can also decrease the risk of a stroke.

Adult-onset diabetes is usually treated best with dietary measures such as reducing simple sugars, consuming a lot of fiber and taking chromium supplements. It’s estimated that half of all types of cancer are linked to diet. This explains why less fat, lots of fruits, vegetables and fiber, vitamins A, B6, C and E and zinc and selenium all appear to play a role in cancer prevention.

Myth: Urinary incontinence is considered a normal part of aging
Although urinary incontinence (UI) occurs more frequently among older adults (10%–42% of hospitalized elders), it is not considered a normal part of aging and is highly treatable. A new onset of UI can signal problems such as urinary tract infection, electrolyte imbalances, mobility limitations, or medication side effects. Before beginning any rehabilitative interventions for incontinence, all possible causes should be investigated to rule out reversible factors. Bladder retraining for those with urge or stress incontinence is still highly effective for older adults. Behavioural management is the first line of treatment for incontinence.

Myth: Growing older means accepting the loss of independence and a Home for the Aged
There is absolutely no evidence to support that as we age we accept loss of independence or going into a nursing home as part of the aging process. In fact today’s older adults enjoy a more vibrant and vigorous lifestyle. Remaining active, engaged and enjoying a more robust social life. An ever-increasing number of older adults are adopting home care in order to preserve the very things that the myth depicts. However, older adults do share common fears… in fact the 5 greatest noted fears among older adults are:

  • Loss of independence
  • Loss of loved ones
  • Loss of friends
  • Going into a Nursing Home
  • Death

In Our Care supports the aging process so effectively that you never have to ever see the inside of Nursing Home, unless you’re visiting friends and family. We are fully equipped to handle all your care needs – Effectively, Efficiently & Affordably.

Please contact us today, to discuss any challenges you may be facing and how our services can help you remain independent, protected, safe, and in you home / community.

You got questions, we have answers: (905) 785-2341 or email us at homecare@inourcareservices.com

Elder Abuse – Know it, Report it, Stop it

Elder Abuse – Have you heard about it?

Know it, Report it, Stop it!Abuse and Neglect

Canada’s population demographics is shift, the number of seniors in Canada has increasing by 57.6% between 1992 and 2012. Within the same period, the number of children dropped by 3.6%. This shift hypotheses that an increasing number of people will be put into a position of caregiver for their parents/grandparents even as they are caregivers to their own families. Juggling these dual care giving roles & responsibilities can bring on a great deal of stress, anxiety, and despair.

While no one underestimates the level of responsibility, accountability and stress levels associated with caregiving, caring for an older senior can present a number of new challenges. Caring for an adult is much different than caring for child yet the level of patience and compassion required must be the same. An untrained person can easily become overwhelmed with the demands required to effectively manage, care for, and delivered care… in a caring manner. With that being said, there’s a real potential for frustration levels to escalate, setting the stage for elder abuse. Unfortunately, it does not happen quite like that. If that were the case, it would be so easy to intervene and resolve it. Elder abuse is far more complex and widespread than just the physical abuse. Not to say that it does not begin there.

So. What is Elder Abuse?

Although elder abuse includes the types of behaviours attributed to domestic violence, it also includes additional types of abuse such as neglect and financial exploitation. It also occurs in a wider range of settings and relationships. Perpetrators of elder abuse cases can be spouses but can also be children, grandchildren, other relations, friends, fellow residents in an institution and personal caregivers. Issues related to individual cognitive and physical functioning are central concerns in elder abuse and consequently frail older people have become identified with this perspective.

The World Health Organization defines elder abuse as, “Single or repeated acts, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within a relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person.”

Fast facts:

  • Among seniors who’ve been physically abused, 68% report the assault was committed by a family member (Source: Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration)
  • 96% of Canadians think most of the abuse experienced by older adults is hidden or goes undetected (Source: Environics poll for Human Resources and Social Development Canada)
  • Female seniors (38%) are more likely to be abused than male seniors (18%). (Source: Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration)


Some studies suggest that women and men differ in their tendency to report abuse and may interpret questions about abuse differently. For example, women seem to be more willing than men to identify themselves as perpetrators of emotional abuse. However, as is the case in all surveys about sensitive issues, respondents may also be reluctant to disclose their experiences due to shame, fear or lack of trust. Older women may have fewer resources and less independence than men and may be less inclined to report abuse due to fear of leaving their home or accusing someone who provides for their daily needs. Older men, on the other hand, may be embarrassed or ashamed that they are no longer in a position of control in their home. There may be a shift in this with the aging of the baby boomers as the stigma associated with masculine need for help lessens.

There is a huge under-recognition of abuse of seniors in Canada. I would say this field is 20 years behind where we were when we were trying to raise awareness about violence against women and, before that, how to prevent and respond to abuse of children.”

Elder abuse is often referred to as ‘the hidden crime.’ It can take many forms, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, financial abuse, mental abuse and neglect.

Fortunately, there is no better time than now to tackle the issue because seniors are by far the fastest growing segment of the population. Statistics Canada predicts that by 2026 seniors, aged 65 and older, who now account for 13% of the Canadian population, will grow to 21%.

A closer look at Elder Abuse:

  • Elder abuse is an issue that may affect seniors in all walks of life. However, some seniors may be at greater risk of experiencing some type of abuse: those who are older, female, isolated, dependent on others, cared for by someone with an addiction, and seniors living in institutional settings.
  • Those who are frail, who have a cognitive impairment or a physical disability.
  • In most cases, the person being abused knows and trusts the abuser and relies on him/her in some way, which makes it even worse. It might be a child, another family member, another senior, a fellow resident in an institution, a paid caregiver or even a spouse.
  • Unfortunately, seniors can make easy targets. Many live alone and are socially isolated, which increases their vulnerability. Others are dependent on their abuser for care. Some suffer from dementia or other health issues that may prevent them from responding to the abuse or reporting it. Some may feel it’s impossible to get away from the abuser if the relationship has been long standing. And many seniors who simply are not as physically strong as they once were are unable to defend themselves.

Forms of Elder Abuse:

The Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (ONPEA) uses the following descriptions:

Financial Abuse – One of the most common forms of elder abuse. It often refers to the theft or misuse of money or property such as household goods, clothes or jewelry. It also includes forcing the sale of property or possessions, misusing power of attorney responsibilities, coercing changes in a will, withholding funds and/or fraud.

Physical Abuse – Is any physical pain or injury that’s willfully inflicted upon a senior. It includes unreasonable confinement or punishment resulting in physical harm, as well as hitting, slapping, pinching, pushing, burning, pulling hair, shaking, physical restraint, physical coercion, forced feeding or withholding physical necessities.

Sexual Abuse – Is any sexual activity that occurs when one or both parties cannot or do not give consent. It includes, but is not limited to, assault, rape, sexual harassment, intercourse, fondling, intimate touching during bathing, exposing oneself, and inappropriate sexual comments.

Psychological (Emotional) Abuse – Is the willful infliction of mental anguish or the provocation of fear of violence or isolation. This kind of abuse diminishes the identity, dignity and self-worth of the senior. It can include name-calling, yelling, ignoring the person, scolding or shouting, insults, threats, intimidation or humiliation, treating as a child, emotional deprivation, isolation, and the removal of decision-making power.

Neglect – Can be intentional or unintentional. It happens when the caregiver of a dependent senior fails to meet his/her needs. Forms of neglect include not providing adequate food, housing, medicine, clothing or physical aids, as well as inadequate hygiene, supervision and safety precautions. It also includes withholding medical services and medications, overmedicating, allowing a senior to live in unsanitary or poorly heated conditions, and denying access to necessary services, such as homemaking, nursing, and social work. For a variety of reasons seniors themselves, may fail to provide adequate care for their own needs, and this is known as self-neglect.

Older women who’ve been abused have been socialized to believe this is not something they’re supposed to talk about. This is a historical problem and their mothers and grandmothers, who may also have also been victims of abuse, probably didn’t talk about it either. To go specifically to an agency that serves abused women is very difficult for them and there’s a stigma attached to it. We need to be able to reach these women wherever they are – and we need to let them know it’s okay to talk about and it’s okay to get some help.

Recognizing the signs of elder abuse

Sometimes it can be difficult to determine if an elder is actually being abused since there may be other explanations for the signs, such as a fall, self-neglect or poor personal choices. Other times it’s more obvious abuse is going on. One thing experts agree on is the longer the abuse goes on, the worse it tends to get.

The following are possible signs an elder is being abused:

Financial Abuse/fraud:

  • Significant withdrawals from the elder’s accounts
  • Sudden changes in the elder’s financial condition
  • Items or cash missing from the senior’s household
  • Suspicious changes in wills, power of attorney
  • Unpaid bills, even when the elder has enough money to pay
  • Financial activity the senior couldn’t have done, such as an ATM withdrawal when the account holder is bedridden
  • Unnecessary services, goods, or subscriptions
  • Paying far more for work/service than others would be charged
  • Large advance payments with nothing to show for it

Physical Abuse:

  • Unexplained signs of injury such as bruises, welts, or scars, especially if they appear symmetrically on two sides of the body
  • Broken bones, sprains, or dislocations
  • Reports of drug overdose or apparent failure to take medication
  • Regularly (a prescription has more remaining than it should have)
  • Broken eyeglasses or frames
  • Signs of being restrained, such as rope marks on wrists
  • Caregiver’s refusal to allow you to see the elder alone

Sexual Abuse:

  • Bruises around breasts or genitals
  • Unexplained venereal disease or genital infections
  • Unexplained vaginal or anal bleeding
  • Torn, stained, or bloody underclothing


Psychological/Emotional Abuse:

  • Threatening, belittling, or controlling caregiver behavior witnessed by others
  • Behaviour from the elder that mimics dementia, such as rocking, sucking, or mumbling to oneself

Neglect: (By caregivers and/or self)

  • Unusual weight loss, malnutrition, dehydration
  • Untreated physical problems, such as bed sores
  • Unsanitary living conditions: dirt, bugs, soiled bedding and clothes
  • Being left dirty or unbathed
  • Unsuitable clothing for the weather
  • Unsafe living conditions (no heat or running water; faulty electrical wiring, other fire hazards)
  • Desertion of the elder at a public place

Addressing the growing concern over elder abuse

Some jurisdictions have designated resources to deal exclusively with elder abuse.

On April 17, 2009, the Ontario Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse launched a province-wide toll-free hotline for at-risk seniors (1-866-299-1011), which is part of an elder abuse strategy funded by the provincial government at a cost of nearly $900,000 a year.

On June 15, 2009 the Government of Canada launched a nation-wide elder abuse awareness campaign, including an advertising campaign dubbed Elder Abuse – It’s Time to Face the Reality. The 2008 federal budget also earmarked $13 million over three years to help seniors and others recognize the signs and symptoms of elder abuse and to provide information on available supports.

The challenges in detecting and preventing elder abuse in long-term care facilities and retirement homes are compounded by the number of people providing care, the often high ratio of residents to workers, the various cognitive and physical impairments of residents, and by the demands and expectations of family members. Enhanced non-abuse training and increased staffing levels are critical to minimizing the chances of elder abuse occurring.

The Bill of Rights for People Living in Ontario Long-Term Care Homes was published in September 2008 by the Advocacy Centre for the Elder and Community Legal Education Ontario. It outlines 19 fundamental rights for long-term care residents and most long-term care facilities post these rights so staff, residents and family members are all aware of them. Knowing these rights is especially important given the increasing number of media reports about elder abuse in institutions.

Most of the cases of elder abuse that are reported to police tend to involve fraud, the most common form of elder abuse.

“To address elder abuse, it is imperative that action take place at the community level and that resources be allocated to this. Participants delivered a unanimous message:
that without adequate and sustainable funding, efforts to combat elder abuse in local communities are compromised.”

Fast facts:

  • The greater the impairment of a senior or the more severe the illness, the more likely it is that he/she will be abused. (Source: Canadian Mental Health Association)
  • Male seniors (9%) are more likely to report financial or emotional abuse, compared to female seniors (5%). (Source: Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration)
  • A study involving 31 nursing homes reported that 36% of nursing home staff had witnessed the physical abuse of an older adult and 81% had witnessed some
    form of psychological abuse. (Source: Canadian Mental Health Association)

Risk Factors for Elder Abuse

Some of the risk factors for elder abuse apply to the abuser, others the victim. Caregiver stress, for example, is a key factor in abuse in both the home and in institutional settings. That stress is intensified if the senior has mental health issues or physical care needs the caregiver is incapable of providing. Caring for a senior with multiple needs can be overwhelming and eventually lead to depression.

Even caregivers in institutions can experience stress levels that can lead to abuse. Excessive responsibilities, poor working conditions, long hours and inadequate training can all be contributing factors.

Sometimes family caregivers are poorly informed and lack the education and support required to properly care for an elder at home.

“When it comes to neglect, we see some families who aren’t providing appropriate care for their elderly loved ones, but it’s not necessarily because there’s any ill intent; sometimes it’s because they don’t know how to care for someone who’s sick, debilitated and has Alzheimer’s.”

Other risk factors include a history of family violence. If there has been abusive behaviour within the family in the past, there’s a greater likelihood an elder will be abused at some point in the future.

There are also the personal problems and personalities of the abusers themselves. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, abusers are more likely to have mental health problems, substance abuse issues and/or financial problems.

Signs that a caregiver may be abusing an elder may include:

  • Being aggressive, insulting or threatening behaviour
  • Speaks for the elder and doesn’t allow him/her to make decisions
  • Reluctant to leave the elder alone with a professional.

Signs that an elder may be a victim of abuse:

  • Is anxious, withdrawn, agitated, evasive, depressed or suicidal.
  • Shows fear of caregiver; behaviour changes when care giver enters/leaves room.
  • Is frail or cognitively impaired and presenting for emergency treatment alone or without regular caregiver.
  • Has low self-esteem.


  • Sudden/unexpected change in social habits.
  • Sudden/unexpected change in residence or living arrangements.
  • Unexplained or sudden inability to pay bills, account withdrawals, changes in his will or Power of Attorney, or disappearance of possessions.
  • Refusal to spend money without consulting caregiver.
  • Claims of being “accident-prone”.
  • Missed/cancelled appointments, especially medical appointments.

Some people say, “I wonder why I’ve never come across a case of physical elder abuse, especially when you know the statistics”. I think this really speaks to the fact that elder abuse is so hidden and it reminds us how vigilant we all need to be in looking for the signs.

Health & Well-Being:

  • Sudden/unexpected decline in health or cognitive ability.
  • Poor/decline in personal hygiene; skin ulcers.
  • Dehydration or malnutrition; sudden/rapid weight loss.
  • Signs of over/under-medication.
  • Suspicious injuries: bruising in various stages of healing; on the face or eye area, the inner part of the thighs or arms, or around the wrists or ankles.
  • Sexually transmitted disease; itching, pain or bleeding in genital area; difficulty sitting or walking.
  • Explanation of injury or condition: inappropriate to type/degree; vague or bizarre; conflicting information from elder and care giver.
  • Unexplained delay in seeking treatment.
  • Denial in view of obvious injury.
  • Previous reports of similar injury.


  • Poor living conditions in comparison to assets.
  • Inappropriate or inadequate clothing.
  • Lack of food.
  • Lack of required medical aids, functional aids, or medications.
  • Evidence of locks or restraints.
  • Living in worse conditions than others in the home.
  • Involuntary separation from others in home, friends or other family members.

Fast Facts:

“Sometimes our role becomes helping the adult children realize their parent still has the ability to make his or her own choices and that they have that right. Just because someone is 80 doesn’t mean they can’t think clearly or make decisions.”

  • 12% of Canadians have sought out information about a situation or suspected situation of elder abuse or about elder abuse in general.
    (Source: Environics poll for Human Resources and Social Development Canada.)
  • There are almost 300,000 seniors living in institutions in Canada. (Source: Statistics Canada)
  • Fewer than one in five situations of abuse actually come to the attention of any public agency, and fewer still come to the attention of a public agency operating in the criminal justice system. (Source: Canada’s Aging Population: Seizing the Opportunity, Special Senate Committee on Aging, 2009)

Taking Action: What to do if elder abuse is suspected

It’s a job for police when a crime has been committed under the Criminal Code of Canada. These offences include assault, forcible confinement, sexual assault, extortion, fraud, forgery, theft, (including theft by a person with power of attorney), uttering threats, criminal harassment, criminal negligence and failure to prove the basic necessities of life. If in doubt, people are advised to call police, who will help determine what to do next.

There are no quick fixes or simple solutions in addressing the issue of elder abuse. The challenges in raising awareness, responding to elder abuse and ultimately mitigating and eliminating it are many, but the energy, commitment and expertise already exists among those who have taken on this task across the country.

There is also a toll-free, confidential elder abuse hotline in Ontario that provides information, support and referrals to services 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-866-299-1011. In emergency situations dialing 911 is the best option.

Even though there are no legal requirements to report suspected elder abuse of people living in their own private residences, anyone who witnesses harm being done to an elder in a long-term care facility is required by law to report it to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. This can be done by calling the toll-free Action Line at 1-866-434-0144.

“The field of prevention of abuse and neglect of older adults in Canada is lagging behind other areas of family
violence prevention. It is largely the case that multiple small-scale projects and a few noteworthy larger programs exist in a patchwork of service delivery and under- coordinated effort. It is also far from being able to use practice standards that are available for other fields.”

The Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse suggests the following as the best steps to take for seniors who are being abused:

For seniors living in the community:

  • Tell someone what’s happening to you.
  • Ask others for help if you need it.
  • If someone is hurting or threatening you, or if it is not safe where you are, call police.
  • Find out more from community resources about your options to take care of your financial security and personal needs.
  • Call for counselling and support.
  • Make a safety plan in case you have to leave quickly and contact Optimism Place, Victim Services or the Emily Murphy Centre for help developing a plan that’s right for you.

You might also:

  • Set aside an extra set of keys, I.D., glasses, bank card, money, address book, medication, and important papers. Keep this outside of your home.
  • Find a safe place with friends and family so you have a place to go to in an emergency.
  • Consider obtaining a restraining order to protect yourself.

“We believe that when people learn about victims who’ve had the strength to come forward and reach out for help it encourages others to do the same.”

For seniors living in a nursing home or other kind of assisted living facility:

  • Tell someone what is happening to you.
  • Ask others for help if you need it. Staff members have a responsibility to see that abuse stops and that you get the help you need.
  • If someone is hurting or threatening you, or if it is not safe for you where you are, call the police.

“Most people working in Home Care Services, including those in long-term care are in the field because they choose to be. They love the elderly and are committed to their care and wellbeing.

“The elderly in our community need to know it’s okay to ask for help. Too often they’re too nervous or they don’t want to bother the police; they don’t even know if what’s happening to them is a crime. They don’t realize there are other organizations they can turn to for help – and which would put them in contact with the police if need be.”

Therapeutic Touch & Sensory Quilt

“Busy Hands & Mind”

Sustain a clients natural need to keeps hands engaged and active

Sustain a clients natural need to keeps hands engaged and active

Pre-amble: Market and Economic Impact

As of 2013, there were an estimated 44.4 million people suffering with dementia worldwide. This number is expected to increase to an estimated 75.6 million by 2030, and 135.5 million by 2050. Alzheimer´s Disease will be one of the biggest burdens of the future society showing dramatic incidence rates: every 69 seconds someone in the US develops Alzheimer´s Disease, by mid-century someone will develop Alzheimer´s Disease every 33 seconds. In 2013 44 million people will be affected with the disease worldwide  In the US Alzheimer´s Disease is now the 6th leading cause of death across all ages. It was the fifth leading cause of death for those aged 65 and older. Since the incidence and prevalence of Alzheimer´s Disease increase with age, the number of patients will grow dramatically with our society getting older. By 2050 we need to expect that patient numbers have tripled to 135 million Alzheimer´s Disease patients worldwide.

The Alzheimer´s Disease market is currently estimated at $ 5 billion annually with projections that show the market potential will surpass $ 20 billion by 2020.

The global economic impact of Alzheimer´s Disease is shown by the worldwide cost of $ 640 billion, which exceeds 1% of gross world product. It can be seen as the most significant health crisis in the 21st century. 

The 2010 annual costs of treating and caring for patients worldwide was an estimated US$604 billion and in the the US alone was $183 billion. This figure is expected to increase to $ 1.1 trillion in 2015. Alzheimer´s Disease is becoming the third most expensive disease counting for 30% of the US healthcare costs. The medical costs for Alzheimer´s Disease patients are three times higher than for other older patients. There is also a big financial impact for the individuals and their families as the out-of-pocket-costs for the Alzheimer´s Disease patients are higher than for any other disease. As expenses for assisted living or nursing homes can often not be afforded, 70% of Alzheimer´s Disease patients live at home resulting in high impact of family’s health, emotional well-being as well as their employment and financial security.

Cost of Treatment
Currently there is no disease-modifying treatment for the Alzheimer´s Disease on the market. The disease usually is diagnosed late when already 70% of the nerve cells in the brain are dead. Several high-impact nutritional and supplementary treatment products are being developed and should particularly impact on prevention. Five drugs are approved and marketed which treat the symptoms. Better understanding of the underlying biology will lead to several new axes of treatment in different stages of clinical testing. The impact of a disease-modifying treatment can be huge: Delaying the onset of Alzheimer´s Disease by 5 years starting 2015 could result in a prevalence reduced by 5.9 million (43%) in 2050 in the US alone. Expressed in money, a delay of onset of 5 years would could result in savings of $ 447 billion of the total expected costs of $ 1.078 billion in the US alone.

Costs of informal care (unpaid care provided by families and others) and the direct costs
 of social care (provided by community care professionals and in residential home settings)
 contribute similar proportions (42%) of total costs worldwide, while direct medical care costs
are much lower (16%).

So how can WE help?
We cannot claim to be able to mitigate nor have a direct impact on the projected ageing population growth and relevant Dementia/Alzheimer’s statistics. However, we can offer a number of Home Care Services solutions to help families who are caring for a loved sufferingwith Dementia/Alzheimer’s? To review our full line of services, please visit our home page… under Services. For the purpose of this article we are offering a tool to help the family caregiver gain some control and management over their loved one who may be suffering with these deceases… A Therapeutic Touch and Sensory Quilt. This is not a typo… “QUILT”.

According to the College of Nursing at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock 72205 – U.S.A.

Agitated behaviour in persons with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) presents a challenge to current interventions. Recent developments in neuro-endocrinology suggest that changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis alter the responses of persons with AD to stress. Given the deleterious effects of pharmacological interventions in this vulnerable population, it is essential to explore non-invasive treatments for their potential to decrease a hyper-responsiveness to stress and indirectly decrease detrimental cortisol levels. This within-subject, interrupted time-series study was conducted to test the efficacy of therapeutic touch on decreasing the frequency of agitated behavior and salivary and urine cortisol levels in persons with AD. Ten subjects who were 71 to 84 years old and resided in a special care unit were observed every 20 minutes for 10 hours a day, were monitored 24 hours a day for physical activity, and had samples for salivary and urine cortisol taken daily.

The study occurred in 4 phases:

    • Baseline (4 days),
    • Treatment (therapeutic touch for 5 to 7 minutes 2 times a day for 3 days),
    • Post-treatment (11 days), and
    • Post – “wash-out” (3 days).

An analysis of variance for repeated measures indicated a significant decrease in overall agitated behaviour and in 2 specific behaviours, vocalization and pacing or walking, during treatment and post-treatment. A decreasing trend over time was noted for salivary and urine cortisol. Although this study does not provide direct clinical evidence to support dysregulation in the HPA axis, it does suggest that environmental and behavioral interventions such as therapeutic touch have the potential to decrease vocalization and pacing, 2 prevalent behaviors, and may mitigate cortisol levels in persons with AD.

Alzheimer’s patients, particularly those in the more advanced stages can get quite tense and fidgety. To help relieve stress and tension in these special people, we have developed our own line of fidget quilt. As the disease worsens, hands become more restless and fidgety. These quilts offer something tangible to occupy their hands… providing gentle yet constant therapeutic stimulation for the mind and soul. Resulting in an enhanced quality of life for both the patient and the caregiver.

So how do our quilts work?
They help to stimulate curiosity, memories and awareness, provide a sense of purpose and of “doing something”, and this having a calming & soothing affect on the user.

Active Hands & Mind Quilt - Engaging, calming and soothing those clients suffering with Alzheimer's

Active Hands & Mind Quilt – Engaging, calming and soothing clients suffering with Alzheimer’s

Our quilts are more than just a “tangible repository of memories.” 
They are user-friendly, functional, induce comfort and warmth… providing a constant reminder of a family that loves them. Whether it’s the combination of textures used (softly contoured corduroy, faux fur, textured linens,,, etc) this quilt will provide the kind of tactile stimulation that will calm and soothe your loved one. It keeps their anxious hands engaged, mind occupied and their legs warm. Great for anyone, this is a must for anyone with progressive dementia or alzheimer’s.

Because people with Alzheimer’s and other dementia experience an ongoing decrease in their brain’s functions, simple, repetitive movements and sensory experiences become more important. That’s where our lap quilts come in. With their intentional variety of textures and extra accessories, fidget quilts provide comfort through the hands and the eyes. For a men’s quilt, you might want to personalize with items of a past hobby or interest (nuts, bolts, golfing or fishing items). We safely fasten the items or string them so that the patient will fidget with the items from one end of the lace to the other. Our quilts are handy & conveniently sized (24”X 30”) made from colourful patterns to entertain the eyes and with a warm backing to keep the lap warm. Attached to the quilts are buttons of various sizes to captivate the fingers and the eyes, a zipper, strips of cloth, and shoe laces, which can be tied or manipulated in a number of ways (over and over again). There’s a plush toy, shapes, a pocket with things in them, jingle bells and anything else that may be of significance to your loved one. Our quilts can be a Godsend to a caregiver while bringing significant relief to the patient… through it’s calming and soothing therapeutic affect.

We take extreme care to ensure that all items are safely secured so that they cannot become free or removed (unless cut out) to avoid any potential choking hazard. The laces, fabric strips or anything that dangles are also cut to lengths whereby they cannot be used as a means of restraining, or become a ligature capable harming your loved one.

Our quilts are easy care for and washable… of course anything that cannot be washed, is fastened so that it can be easily unclipped and reattached after washing.

The quilt will give the family a feeling of joy watching their loved one’s restless fingers occupied with all the different activities and textures that gives them that soothing and calming disposition.

They make wonderful birthday, Christmas, anniversary, or any special occasion gift, or to simply say “I Care and I love you”

We engage the family’s input when creating a custom quilt or you can opt for a generic quilt already pre-manufactured, incorporating a number of therapeutic sensory activities and items.

Our core business is providing Home Care for seniors in their homes or wherever home may be. However, we also understand that although you may not yet require our assistance, you can still benefit from something that we can offer… like our “Busy Hands & Mind Quilt”.

Our quilts are inexpensive, provide such rewarding results and delivered for free anywhere in Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville and Brampton. Outside of these areas there “MAY” be an additional charge for shipping… but we can discuss it. Of course outside of Ontario, national and international orders shipping costs are extra.

Please contact us today, to discuss the order of one of our Quilts, or to discuss any challenges you may be facing and how our services can help you remain independent, protected, safe, and in you home / community.

You got questions, we have answers: (905) 785-2341 or email us at 





A Summary of Canada’s Aging Population

Group of SeniorsA Summary of Canada’s Aging Population

An aging Canadian population is expected to present significant social, economic and political challenges over the next decades. Understanding the needs of seniors and addressing the barriers they face can promote successful aging and ensure that Canadian society benefits from the numerous contributions seniors can provide as engaged citizens and voters.

This research note is the first in a two-part series on seniors, defined as those aged 65 and older. This note provides a demographic profile of this age group, including information about their geographical distribution, lifestyles and socio-economic status. It also addresses some of the challenges that they face in various areas of life. The second note will focus on the electoral participation of seniors, including turnout in federal elections, barriers to voting and initiatives that can be put forward to reduce these barriers.

The qualifying age for seniors is generally 65 in developed countries. However, seniors do not represent a homogenous group, and there is significant variation in the circumstances of those aged 65 to 74, 75 to 84, and 85 and older. Therefore, each one of these three age categories will be treated as distinct where possible.

The Aging Population
A sustained decline in mortality and fertility rates during the twentieth century has resulted in a shift towards older populations worldwide. Canada, while somewhat younger than the average among developed countries, still has an all-time high proportion of seniors. According to Statistics Canada, between 1981 and 2011, the number of Canadians increased significantly amongst the three age groups:

  • For those aged 65 to 74, from 1.5 million (6% of the total population) to 2 million (8%)
  • For those between 75 and 84, from 695,000 (2.8%) to 1.6 million (4.9%)
  • For those aged 85 and older, from 196,000 (0.8%) to 492,000 (2%)

The number of seniors in all age groups is expected to continue to rise, and by 2041, seniors are projected to comprise nearly a quarter (24.5%) of the Canadian population, as compared to 14.8% today. Those aged 85 and over are expected to nearly triple to 5.8% of the total population by 2041.

The chart below illustrates the growth of the older population since 1921.

Aging Population Chart-CanadaGeography
Canada’s senior population is distributed unevenly across the provinces, with the highest concentration in the Atlantic provinces. Nova Scotia has the highest proportion of seniors, at 16.6% of its population, followed by New Brunswick (16.5%) and Prince Edward Island (16.3%). Alberta has the lowest proportion of seniors at 11.1% of the population, while Nunavut has the youngest population overall, with only 3.3% over 65. Some regions are aging more rapidly than others. The Atlantic Provinces are expected to see the highest increase in their proportion of seniors by 2026, while Ontario has the lowest projected increase. Most older seniors (61%) live in metropolitan areas, reflecting the overall trend towards urbanization in Canada, while 23% reside in rural areas.

Gender and Ethnicity
Since women have a longer life expectancy, the majority of seniors are women, with the gender discrepancy increasing with age. In 2011, women made up 52% of seniors aged 65 to 74, 56% of seniors aged 75 to 84, and 68% aged 85 or older. This gap is narrowing, however, and the next decades are expected to see a relative increase in the number of older men as they catch up in terms of life expectancy.

Approximately 28% of seniors are immigrants, the majority of whom were born in Western Europe and Asia. Most immigrant seniors moved at a relatively young age and have been living in Canada for several decades. The proportion of Aboriginal seniors is low, with only 5% of the Aboriginal population over 65, and 1% over 75.

Living Arrangements
As shown in table 1: Most people over 65 reside at home, either with a spouse or alone. According to a study released in 2002 by Health Canada, three quarters of seniors enjoyed housing considered to be affordable, adequately sized and in good condition.

A small percentage of seniors live in institutions, including long-term care facilities and hospitals, though rates of institutionalization rise sharply with age. Reasons cited for institutionalization include increasing frailty and care needs that exceed the capacity of family or friends. In many cases, family and friends continue to provide care even after institutionalization.

Table 1: Where Seniors Live

Living Arrangements
% Of Seniors
Aged 65–74
% Of Seniors
Aged 74–85
% Of Seniors
Aged 85+
With Spouse
With Children or Grandchildren

Employment and Income
As of 2006, nearly 15% of men and 5% of women over 65 were participating in the workforce. A smaller percentage of seniors in the 75+ age group were still working, with labour force participation rates of 7.5% for men and 2.4% for women. Self-employment and higher levels of education are associated with a higher likelihood that a person will continue to work after 65.

Post-retirement sources of income among retired seniors include transfers (such as CPP/QPP, OAS, EI, GIS), pensions, RSP withdrawals and investment income. Older seniors are often mischaracterized as impoverished. While they generally have only half the income of working-age households, they are often able to support a similar standard of living. This is likely due to lower expenses (for example, no mortgage or expenses related to child provision) and higher savings from which to draw.

Consumption and spending remain steady through the working years up to age 70, and then begin to decline. It is likely that this decline is voluntary, as gift giving and savings remain unchanged. Older seniors may be less willing or able to spend money; they may be saving for anticipated health care costs or to leave money behind for relatives.

Income aside, work is also important in defining personal identity. The loss of full-time employment, therefore, may present challenges to retired seniors, including lowered confidence, loss of perceived prestige and loss of purpose. Participation in various groups or organizations can ease the transition, and new challenges like volunteer activities may restore a sense of purpose.

Health and Quality of Life
Improved medical technology and public health measures have provided Canadians with a longer life expectancy and quality of life than in the past. Nonetheless, chronic health conditions are widespread among seniors, with four out of five seniors residing at home having a chronic health condition of some kind. The most common of these conditions are arthritis or rheumatism, hypertension, (non-arthritic) back pain, heart disease and cataracts. Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia also affect significant numbers of older seniors and are expected to present a major social and public health problem as the population ages. In 2008, 480,600 people, or 1.5% of Canada’s population, suffered from some form of dementia. This number is expected to rise to 1.13 million (or 2.8% of the Canadian population) by 2038. Most dementia sufferers are 75 years of age or older.

Many seniors also have a disability or activity restriction that requires them to seek assistance with various activities. One quarter of older seniors require help with housework, while one in ten need help with personal care activities, such as washing, dressing or eating. Most assistance is provided by immediate family members, although friends and professional caregivers may help as well. Limitations increase sharply after 85, with mobility, sight, hearing and cognition becoming more restricted.

Despite the prevalence of chronic conditions and activity limitations, seniors generally perceive themselves to be in good health. As of 2011, 46% of men and women over 65 rated their own health as very good or excellent. Higher levels of educational attainment are strongly related to better self-reported health, as are greater independence, the absence of pain or barriers to communication, and the presence of strong social networks. Even seniors residing in long-term care facilities generally rate their health fairly highly, suggesting that they adjust their expectations for health relative to their circumstances and those of their peers.

Victimization, Abuse and Ageism
Elder abuse is gaining increasing recognition as an important issue. Abuse can be physical, psychological/emotional, sexual or financial in nature, or involve intentional or unintentional neglect. A random survey of seniors in Canada found that 4% reported experiencing maltreatment since turning 65. Older women and sponsored immigrant seniors are particularly vulnerable to elder abuse. This could be due to increased financial dependency, social isolation, cultural norms, familial status, disadvantage or disability.

Fraud against older people is also common. Seniors may be particularly vulnerable due to isolation and, in some cases, cognitive decline. Types of scams may include mail or telephone fraud, charity or lottery scams, or fake business opportunities.

Older seniors may also experience a type of discrimination referred to as ageism, defined as a “process of systematic stereotyping or discrimination against people because they are old, just as racism and sexism accomplish with skin colour and gender.” Ageism may be positive (for example, the belief that all seniors are wise or caring) or negative (one study shows that younger Canadians overwhelmingly assume that most seniors reside in an institution, suffer from dementia and are responsible for a large proportion of traffic accidents). Ageism can have implications for individuals whose competencies and merits are not acknowledged, and for society as a whole, which, operating under the assumption that everyone is young, fails to meet the varied needs of all of its citizens.

What Older Seniors Fear The Most
A recent study looked at some of the fears that seniors experience as they age. Losing their personal independence and going into a Nursing Home were among the their greatest fears… more so than death.What Seniors Fear Most

Social and Civic Participation
It is important for seniors to remain active in social networks, as this fosters a sense of belonging and connectedness, and is associated with better health and quality of life outcomes. Seniors who are socially involved are less isolated and tend to have more close friends.

As of 2003, 54% of seniors were involved in groups or organizations, such as social clubs, service clubs, sports leagues and religious organizations. This proportion is similar to that of adults under 65. For seniors over 75, the rate of group involvement dropped to 46%. Seniors with higher levels of education and those with a previous history of involvement are more likely to participate in a group or organization.

Many seniors also volunteer for charities or non-profit organizations. While they are somewhat less likely to volunteer than younger retirees or working people, they tend to contribute more hours when they do volunteer. In 2004, 39% of seniors between 65 and 74 volunteered, contributing an average of 250 hours of volunteer work – 100 hours more than the average for adults between 25 and 54. Volunteering decreases somewhat after age 75, health being the most widely reported reason for non-volunteering seniors.

The role of seniors in society warrants increased consideration as their share of the population grows. Currently, seniors have a good quality of life in Canada. Most enjoy good living conditions, adequate financial resources, and generally rate their health highly. While the majority of seniors are retired, many remain socially involved through participation in organizations or volunteer work. Nonetheless, seniors continue to face certain challenges and barriers. These include physical and cognitive health conditions, a lack of independence and negative attitudes.

Understanding the needs of seniors and addressing the barriers they face can promote successful aging and bring benefit to Canadian society from the numerous contributions older people can provide, including their participation in the electoral process.

Please contact us today, to discuss any challenges you may be facing and how our services can help you remain independent, protected, safe, and in you home / community.

You got questions, we have answers: (905) 785-2341 or email us at homecare@inourcareservices.com


Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care… The road ahead

Alzheimer's & Dementia Article1Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care… The road ahead

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia can be a challenge, not only for the person diagnosed but also for their spouses and family members. Although caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia can seem overwhelming at times, the more information & support you have, the better you will handle the demands and determine the long-term care options that are best suited to you and your loved one.




  • Preparing yourself for the care
  • Developing routines
  • Engaging your loved one in activities
  • Planning activities with your loved one
  • Handling challenges as they present themselves
  • Considering long term care
  • Assessing assisted living or nursing homes

Preparing yourself for Alzheimer’s & dementia care

You may be dealing with a whole range of emotions and concerns, as you come to grips with an Alzheimer’s or other dementia diagnosis. There’s no doubt you will be worried about how your loved one will change, how you will keep him or her safe & comfortable, and how much your life will change in order to sustain it. Emotions such as anger, grief, and shock will be likely to be experienced. Adjusting to this new reality is neither, easy or immediate. It is critically important to give yourself some time, process the road ahead and reach out for help and support from a number of resources available. The more support you have, the better you will be able to help and manage your loved one, care.

While some of these tips are aimed specifically for people with Alzheimer’s, they can equally apply to persons suffering with other types of dementia.

Early-stage Alzheimer’s care preparations

Some Alzheimer’s & Dementia care preparations that are best done sooner rather than later. It’s hard to consider these questions at first, as it means thinking about a time when you or your loved one is already well down the road of his or her Alzheimer’s journey. However, putting such preparations in place early helps a smoother transition for everyone later on. Depending on the stage of diagnosis, include the person with Alzheimer’s & Dementia in the decision-making process as much as possible. If the person is at a more advanced stage of dementia, at least try to act on what their wishes would be.

Questions to consider in preparing for Alzheimer’s and dementia care:

▪   Who will make healthcare and financial decisions when the person is no longer able to do so?

While this is difficult topic to raise, if your loved one is still lucid enough, getting their wishes down on paper means they’ll be preserved and respected by all members of the family. Consider having a family meeting involving the person and those who may be impacted with the decisions being made (all children, and or grandchildren who may have to ultimately step up and take on a role in their care). In most cases such family meetings can go smoothly as it pertains to respecting the affected person’s wish. However, do not hesitate to involve an elder law attorney to best understand your options. You’ll need to consider power of attorney, both for finances and for healthcare. If the person has already lost capacity, you may need to apply for guardianship/conservatorship. Last but not least, their Personal Will if one is not in place already.

▪   How will care needs be met?

It is not uncommon that some family members assume that a spouse or nearest family member can take on the role of caregiver, but this assumption is not always the case or even possible. Caregiving is a rather a large commitment, and one that becomes greater over time. The person with Alzheimer’s and or advanced Dementia will eventually need round-the-clock personal care. Although family members are more than willing to take this challenge on, many family members may have their own health issues, jobs, and other roles & responsibilities. Communication is essential to ensure that the needs of the affected person are known & met, and that the caregiver has all the support in place to meet those needs.

▪   Where will the person live?

Knowing their wishes ahead of time will certainly ease the process in making this decision. Their own home will more than likely be their first wish. However, before concluding that home care is the final decision, consider a home assessment to determine the appropriateness of the home to meet their care needs. An assessment can be performed free of cost and determine the care needs and client’s challenges for today and moving forward. This way you will know if perhaps the home is fine for now, but difficult to access or make safe for later. On the other hand, the home could be fully suitable for their care… now and to meet future challenges. This is the type of information that will be invaluable to make informed decisions. If the person is currently living alone, for example, or far from any family, it may be necessary to relocate or consider care options that best suits their need, care, wishes… or a facility with more support.

Find out what assistance your medical team can provide in these areas. In some countries, you can also hire a care manager privately. Geriatric care managers can provide an initial assessment as well as assistance with managing your case, including crisis management, interviewing in-home help, or assisting with placement in an assisted living facility or nursing home.

Developing day-to-day routines

Having a daily routine in Alzheimer’s & Dementia care helps caregiving run smoothly. These routines won’t be set in stone, but they give a sense of consistency, which is beneficial to the Alzheimer’s patient even if they can’t communicate it.

While every family will have their own unique routine, you can get some great ideas from your medical team or Alzheimer’s support group, especially regarding establishing routines to handle the most challenging times of day, such as evenings.

  • Keep a sense of structure and familiarity. Try to keep consistent daily times for activities such as waking up, mealtimes, bathing, dressing, receiving visitors, and bedtime. Keeping these things at the same time and place can help orientate the person.
  • Let the person know what to expect even if you are not sure that he or she completely understands. You can use cues to establish the different times of day. For example, in the morning you can open the curtains to let sunlight in. In the evening, you can put on quiet music to indicate it’s bedtime.
  • Involve the person in daily activities as much as they are able. For example, a person may not be able to tie their shoes, but may be able to put clothes in the hamper. Clipping plants outside may not be safe, but the person may be able to weed, plant, or water. Use your best judgment as to what is safe and what the person can handle.

Communication tips

As your loved one’s Alzheimer’s progresses, you will notice changes in communication. Trouble finding words, increased hand gestures, easy confusion, even inappropriate outbursts are all normal. Here are some tips, do’s and don’ts on communicating:

Communication Do’s and Don’ts?
Avoid becoming frustrated by empathizing and remembering the person can’t help their condition. Making the person feel safe rather than stressed will make communication easier. Take a short break if you feel your fuse getting short.
Keep communication short, simple and clear. Give one direction or ask one question at a time.
Tell the person who you are if there appears to be any doubt.
Call the person by name.    
Speak slowly. The person may take longer to process what’s being said.
Use closed-ended questions, which can be answered as “yes” or “no.” For example, ask, “Did you enjoy the beef at dinner?” instead of “What did you have for dinner?”
Find a different way to say the same thing if it wasn’t understood.Try a simpler statement with fewer words.
Use distraction or fibs if telling the whole truth will upset the person with dementia. For example, to answer the question, “Where is my mother?” it may be better to say, “She’s not here right now” instead of “She died 20 years ago.”
Use repetition as much as necessary. We prepared to say the same things over and over as the person can’t recall them for more than a few minutes at a time.
Use techniques to attract and maintain the person’s attention. Smile, and make eye contact, use gestures, touch, and other body language.
Ever say things like: “Do you remember?” “Try to remember!” “Did you forget?” “How could you not know that?!”
Ask questions that challenge short-term memory, such as “Do you remember what we did last night?” The answer will likely be “no,” which may be humiliating for the person with dementia.
Talk in paragraphs. Instead, offer one idea at a time.
Point out the person’s memory difficulty. Avoid remarks such as “I just told you that.” Instead, just repeat it over and over.
Talk in front of the person as if he or she were not present. Always include the person in any conversation when they are physically present.
Use lots of pronouns such as “there, that, those, him, her, it.” Use nouns instead. For example, instead of “sit there” say “sit in the blue chair.”
Use slang or unfamiliar words. The person may not understand the latest terms or phrases.
Use patronizing language or “baby talk”. A person with dementia will feel angry or hurt at being talked down to.
Use sarcasm or irony, even if meant humorously. Again, it can cause hurt or confusion.

Planning activities and visitors

As you develop daily routines, it’s important to include activities and visitors into their life. You want to make sure that the Alzheimer’s patient is getting sensory experiences and socialization, but not to the point of getting over-stimulated and stressed. Here are some suggestions for activities:

  • Start with the person’s interests.
  • Ask family and friends for memories of interests the person used to have. You’ll want to tailor the interests to the current level of ability so the person doesn’t get frustrated.
  • Vary activities to stimulate different senses of sight, smell, hearing, and touch. For example, you can try singing songs, telling stories, movement such as dance, walking, or swimming, tactile activities such as painting, working with clay, gardening, or interacting with pets.
  • Planning time outdoors can be very therapeutic. You can go for a drive, visit a park, or take a short walk. Even sitting on a balcony or in the backyard can be relaxing.
  • Consider outside group activities designed for those with Alzheimer’s. Senior centers or community centers may host these types of activities. You can also look into adult day care programs, which are partial or full days at a facility catering to older adults and/or dementia patients.

Visitors and social events

Visitors can be a rich part of the day for a person with Alzheimer’s disease. It can also provide an opportunity for you as the caregiver to socialize or take a break. Plan visitors at a time of day when your loved one can best handle them. Brief visitors on communication tips if they are uncertain and suggest they bring memorabilia your loved one may like, such as a favorite old song or book. Family and social events may also be appropriate, as long as the Alzheimer’s patient is comfortable. Focus on events that won’t overwhelm the person; excessive activity or stimulation at the wrong time of day might be too much to handle.

Handling challenges in Alzheimer’s and dementia care

One of the painful parts of Alzheimer’s disease is watching your loved one, display behaviours you never would have thought possible. Alzheimer’s can cause substantial changes in how a person acts. This can range from the embarrassing, such as inappropriate outbursts, to wandering, hallucinations, and even violent behaviour. Everyday tasks like eating, bathing, and dressing can become major challenges.

As painful as some behaviours are, it’s critical not to blame yourself or try to handle all the changes in behaviour alone. As the challenging behaviour progresses, you may find yourself too embarrassed to go out, for example, or to seek respite care. Unfortunately, difficult behaviour is part and parcel of Alzheimer’s disease. Don’t isolate yourself. Ask for help from the medical team and reach out to caregiver groups for support. There are ways to modify or better accommodate problem behaviours. Both the environment you create at home and the way you communicate with your loved one can make a substantial difference.

Considering long-term Alzheimer’s and dementia care

It’s the nature of Alzheimer’s disease to progressively get worse as memory deteriorates. In the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s, your loved one will likely need round-the-clock care. Thinking ahead to these possibilities can help make decisions easier.

Care at home

There are several options for extending care at home:

  • In-home help refers to caregivers that you can hire to provide assistance for your loved one. In-home help ranges from a few hours a week of assistance to live-in help, depending on your needs. You’ll want to evaluate what sort of tasks you’d like help with, how much you can afford to spend, and what hours you need. Getting help with basic tasks like housekeeping, shopping, or other errands can also help you provide more focused care for your loved one. Be sure to look for a service provider who has extensive Geriatric Care experience.
  • Day programs, also called adult day care, are programs that typically operate weekdays and offer a variety of activities and socialization opportunities. They also provide the chance for you as the caregiver to continue working or attend to other needs. There are some programs that specialize in dementia care. Alternatively, you can hire a caregiver for the days you need it for without any time commitment. This may alleviate some stress on the part of the patient, as they do not have to leave their familiar surroundings.
  • Respite care. Respite care is short-term care where your loved one stays in a facility temporarily. This gives you a block of time to rest, travel, or attend to other things. Of course, you can hire a caregiver for the block of time desired. This may alleviate some stress on the part of the patient, as they do not have to leave their familiar surroundings.

Is it time to move?

As Alzheimer’s progresses, the physical and mental demands on you as caregiver can gradually become overwhelming. Each day can bring new additional challenges. The patient may require total assistance with physical tasks like bathing, dressing, and toileting, as well as greater overall supervision. At some point, you won’t be able to leave your loved one alone. Nighttime behaviours may not allow you to sleep, and with some patients, belligerent or aggressive behaviours may exceed your ability to cope or feel safe. Every situation is different. Sometimes, you can bridge the gap by bringing in additional assistance, such as in-home help or other family members to share the caregiving burden. However, it is not a sign of weakness if moving to your loved one to a facility seems like the best plan of care. It’s never an easy decision to make, but when you’re overwhelmed by stress and fatigue, it’s difficult to maintain your caregiving standards. If the person with Alzheimer’s is living alone, or you as the primary caregiver have health problems, this option may need to be considered sooner rather than later.

When considering your caregiving options, it’s important to consider whether you are able to balance your other obligations, either financial or to other family members. Will you be able to afford appropriate in-home coverage if you can’t continue caregiving? Talk to your loved one’s medical care team for their perspective as well.

Evaluating an assisted living facility or nursing home

If the best choice is to move the Alzheimer’s patient to a facility, it doesn’t mean you will no longer be involved in their care. You can still visit regularly and ensure your loved one gets the care he or she needs. Even if you are not yet ready to make that step, doing some initial legwork might save a lot of heartache in the case of a crisis where you have to move quickly. The first step is finding the right place for your loved one.

Choosing a facility

There are two main types of facilities that you will most likely have to evaluate for a loved one with Alzheimer’s: an assisted living facility or a nursing home.

Assisted Living

Assisted living is an option for those who need help with some activities of daily living. Some facilities provide minor help with medications as well. Staff are available twenty-four hours a day, but you will want to make sure they have experience handling residents with Alzheimer’s disease. Also be clear about what stage your loved one is at, as he / she may need to move to a higher level of care.

Nursing Home

Nursing homes provide assistance in both activities of daily living and a high level of medical care. A licensed physician supervises each resident’s care and a nurse or other medical professional is almost always on the premises. Skilled nursing care providers and medical professionals such as occupational or physical therapists are also available.

How do I choose a facility?

Once you’ve determined the appropriate level of care, you’ll want to visit the facility announced and unannounced—to meet with the staff and otherwise evaluate the home. You will also want to evaluate the facility based on their experience with Alzheimer’s residents. Facilities that cater specifically for Alzheimer’s patients should have a designated area, for residents with dementia.

Questions to ask such a facility include:

  • Policy and procedures – Does the unit mix Alzheimer’s patients with those with mental illness, which can be dangerous? Does the program require the family to supply a detailed social history of the resident (a good sign)?
  • Environment – Is the unit clean? Is the dining area large enough for all residents to use it comfortably? Are the doors alarmed or on a delayed opening system to prevent wandering? Is the unit too noisy?
  • Staffing – What is the ratio of residents to staff? (5 to 1 during the day, 9 to 1 at night is normal). What is staff turnover like? How do they handle meals and ensure adequate hydration, since the person can often forget to eat or drink? How do they assess unexpressed pain—if the Alzheimer’s resident has pain but cannot communicate it?
  • Staff training – What training for Alzheimer’s care do they have? Does the facility provide staff with monthly in-service training on Alzheimer’s care?
  • Activities – Is there an activity plan for each resident based on the person’s interests and remaining cognitive strengths? Are residents escorted outside on a daily basis? Are regular outings planned for residents?
  • Services – Does the unit provide hospice services? What were the findings in the most recent Ministry conducted inspection? What are the rates of infectious outbreaks? What is the resident rate of injury incidences?

What to expect during a transition

Moving is a big adjustment both for the person with Alzheimer’s and you as their caregiver. Your loved one is moving to a new home environment with new faces and places. You are adjusting from being the person providing hands-on care to being an advocate. Remember to give yourself and the Alzheimer’s patient time to adjust. If you’re expecting to move, try to have essentials packed and ready to go, and as many administrative details taken care of as possible, as sometimes beds can come up quickly. Work closely with staff regarding your loved one’s needs and preferences. An extra familiar face during moving day, such as another relative or close friend, can also help.

Each person adjusts differently to this transition. Depending on your loved one’s needs, you may either need to visit more frequently or give your loved one their own space to adjust. As the adjustment period eases, you can settle into the visiting pattern that is best for both of you.

Please contact us today, to discuss any challenges you may be facing and how our services can help you remain independent, protected, safe, and in you home / community.

You got questions, we have answers: (905) 785-2341 or email us at 


Living Longer, Healthier & Happier

Women Wearing Colorful Bathing CapsPrepare Yourself – To live longer, healthier and happier

If I’d known I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.” So said Eubie Blake, the great ragtime composer and pianist who was still performing at the age of 99, the year before his death. Let’s face it: old age is what lies ahead. If you’re 40 or 50 or even 60, you might not give much thought to the health challenges of aging. But just as planning for future financial needs is important, so is planning for optimum health in our later years.


What should you prepare for, and how?

Medical experts express about the major health issues that may lie ahead. While some diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and certain cancers, continue to confound researchers, a great number can be prevented, forestalled, or minimized with a healthy lifestyle and regular health screenings. Sharon Brangman, MD, AGSF, spokeswoman for the American Geriatrics Society, says, “The more you do in middle age to prepare yourself for successful aging, the better.”

Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

About three-fourths of adults aged 60 and older are overweight or obese. Obesity is related to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, breast and colon cancer, gall bladder disease, and high blood pressure.

More than 40% of adults 60 and older have a combination of risk factors known as metabolic syndrome, which puts people at increased risk for developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. It is characterized by:

  • Waist measurement greater than 40 inches in men, 35 inches in women (apple-shaped body)
  • Triglyceride level of 150 mg/dL or higher
  • HDL “good” cholesterol level less than 40mg/dL in men, 50 mg/dL in women
  • Blood pressure of 130/85 or higher
  • Fasting glucose level of 110 mg/dL or higher

“Women in, and post-menopausal stages tend to accumulate fat around the waist and hips, and men get the gut,” says Brangman. “The best way to fight it is with increasing exercise, reducing alcohol intake — because a lot of alcohol calories go right to the gut — and reducing calorie intake. Also, increase your healthy fat intake — omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats. And eliminate trans fats completely because there’s no safe amount of those.” She also advises avoiding foods sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup. The common sweetener is found in everything from sodas to breakfast cereal to low-fat yogurt. “In middle age, we should eat foods as close to naturally prepared as possible.”


Arthritis affects nearly half the elderly population and is a leading cause of disability. “Old injuries from playing weekend warrior or high school football, and years of wearing high-heeled shoes catch up with us,” says Brangman. “And arthritis in the knees is the price we pay for walking upright on two legs.” The keys to prevention: avoid overuse, do steady, regular exercise rather than in weekend spurts, and stop if you feel pain. “The adage, ‘no pain, no gain,’ is not true.” And managing your weight is just as essential for joint health as cardiovascular health. The Framingham osteoarthritis study showed that a weight loss of just 11 pounds could reduce the risk of developing osteoarthritis in the knees by 50%.

Osteoporosis and Falls

Osteoporosis and low bone mass affects almost 44 million adults age 50 and older, most predominantly affecting women. According to the National Osteoporosis Association, osteoporosis is not part of normal aging. Healthy behaviours and treatment, when appropriate, can prevent or minimize the condition.

In a given year, more than one-third of adults, age 65 and older experience a fall. Twenty percent to 30% of those who fall suffer injuries that decrease mobility and independence; falls are the leading cause of death from injury in this age group.

“Stop smoking, watch your alcohol intake, get plenty of calcium, and limit foods with high acidic content,” says Brangman. “Avoid sodas. They encourage loss of calcium. Our bodies always maintain calcium, and when there’s not enough coming in from our diet, it comes out from our bones. One reason women are especially at risk for osteoporosis is that if they’ve had children; it takes a whole lot of calcium to develop a baby, and that calcium is taken from the mother’s bones if she’s not getting enough in her diet.” Adults in middle age need 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams of calcium daily.

Vitamin D, “the sunshine vitamin,” is also important. Using sunscreens to protect against harmful UV rays is wise, but sunscreens also blocks the same ultraviolet rays the body needs to make vitamin D.

Furthermore, with age our bodies become less efficient at making vitamin D from sunlight. There is a move to get the FDA to increase the minimum requirement for vitamin D to at least 800, or maybe even 1,000 units. Most multiple vitamins contain 400 units. Make sure you’re getting enough from low-fat dairy products, or take a supplement.”

Weight-bearing exercise also helps to keep bones healthy. “If you’re not exercising, starting at any age is beneficial. It’s never too late, but the sooner the better.


Risk for developing most types of cancer increases with age.

As women age, the rate of cervical cancer decreases, and endometrial cancer increases. Sometimes women slack off gynecological exams after their childbearing years, but I still think it’s important for women to get regular exams.”

The risk of prostate cancer increases with age, and black men have a higher rate than white men. Screening should start in your 40s, and at the very least should involve a digital rectal examination.

Lung cancer accounts for more deaths than breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer combined. “Stop smoking.”

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

Younger baby boomers take heed: cardiovascular disease (CVD) affects more than one-third of men and women in the 45- to 54-year age group, and the incidence increases with age. Cardiovascular diseases, which are diseases of the heart or blood vessels, are the leading cause of death in the U.S. and Canada. They include arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, hypertension, orthostatic hypotension, stroke, and congenital heart disease.

A healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of heart disease by as much as 80%, according to data from the Nurses’ Health Study, an extensive research effort that followed more than 120,000 women aged 30 to 55 starting in 1976. Looking at data over 14 years, the researchers showed that women who were not overweight, did not smoke, consumed about one alcoholic drink per day, exercised vigorously for 30 minutes or more per day, and ate a low-fat, high-fibre diet had the lowest risk for heart disease.

If you have high blood pressure, get it under control. It reduces the rate of stroke and heart attacks. People say the medicines have bad side effects, but there are enough medications to choose from that you and your physician should be able to find one that’s right for you.

Prepared foods are loaded with salt. Limit salt intake to control high blood pressure. The minute food comes out of a can or frozen food package or from a fast-food environment you lose control of the ingredients. This is another reason to eat foods as close to naturally prepared as possible.

Vision and Hearing Loss

Age-related eye diseases — macular degeneration, cataract, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma — affect 119 million people aged 40 and older, according to the 2000 census. And that number is expected to double within the next three decades.

“Eating foods with high antioxidant content may be helpful in reducing vision loss due to macular degeneration,” says Brangman. “And taking vitamin supplements for eye health may help. A lot of my geriatric patients are taking them now, which may not be as helpful as taking them when you’re younger.”

It also appears that smokers are at higher risk for macular degeneration, so that’s another reason to stop smoking. Regular eye exams should include screening for glaucoma, which is called “the sneak thief of sight” for the fact that the first symptom is vision loss. The disease can be arrested, but vision lost to glaucoma cannot be restored.

The incidence of hearing loss increases with age. Twenty-nine percent of those with hearing loss are 45-65; 43% of those with hearing loss are 65 or older.

Hearing loss takes a toll on the quality of life and can lead to depression and withdrawal from social activities. Although hearing aids can help, only one out of four people use them.

High-frequency hearing loss is common in old age and made worse by a lifestyle that includes exposure to loud sounds. The 40- and 50-year-olds who went to the rock concerts that were so loud they were pulsating in their chests are starting to pay. Another factor is working or having worked in a noisy environment, such as airports or factories.”

Her advice to people at any age: Don’t use earbuds! Any source of sound that fits in the ear canal, such as using Walkmans or iPods, really puts your hearing at risk. If you’re going to use an iPod, don’t put it directly in your ear, and lower the volume.”

She says hearing aids are not an ideal solution for hearing loss. “My patients complain that they magnify the wrong sounds. They keep their $3,000 or $4,000 hearing aids in the nightstand.”


The good news is that you’ll probably keep your own teeth, and implants and bleaching can make your teeth look years younger than the rest of your body. Only about 25% of people over age 60 wear dentures today.That’s because of a lifetime of good dental health and diet. Unfortunately, the people who haven’t had a lifetime of good health care and healthy practices are at risk for losing their teeth.The US and Canadian Dental Associations advises brushing twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste, flossing daily to remove plaque, and visiting your dentist regularly.

Mental Health: Memory and Emotional Well-being

Forget what you think you know about memory loss and old age. It is not inevitable. So why do so many people say, “My memory isn’t what it used to be,” or “I’m having a senior moment?” Stress, anxiety, and mental overload are most likely responsible. “Stop multitasking,” says Brangman, who is professor and division chief and geriatric medicine director at the Central New York Alzheimer’s Disease Centre, SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, N.Y. “Our brains are made for us to do one thing at a time. Multitasking overloads the brain so people aren’t remembering things and get concerned they’re having memory problems.”

Doing the things that keep your heart healthy will also keep your brain healthy. The same blood vessels that go to the heart branch off and go to the brain. Exercise, control your blood pressure, quit smoking, and if you have diabetes, keep it under control.

Staying mentally active is as important as staying physically active. Join a book club, stay up on current events, engage in stimulating conversations, and do crossword puzzles. “The new rage is Sudoku puzzles. They’re absorbing and require a tremendous amount of concentration, and there’s a lot of satisfaction in getting it right.”

One of the perplexing problems of aging is Alzheimer’s disease. About 3% of men and women aged 65 to 74 have Alzheimer’s disease, and nearly half of those aged 85 and older may have the disease. We’re not aware of anything people can do to prevent Alzheimer’s or dementia, but we’re learning new things about the brain every day.

Among all age groups, depression is often an under-diagnosed and untreated condition. Many people mistakenly believe that depression is a natural condition of old age. Of the nearly 35 million Americans aged 65 and older, an estimated 2 million have a depressive illness and 5 million more may have depressive symptoms that fall short of meeting full diagnostic criteria.

When you get older, you’re dealing with life-change issues. Kids leaving home, health problems, loss of parents & friends, and advanced ageing related issues (financial, caregiver arrangements, physical challenges, etc). We notice that all the basketball players are younger than us, and the music and ads are for a younger demographic. He advises anticipating and preparing for the changes to come.

One of the biggest life changes is retirement. Many people have their sense of worth tied up with work. In retirement, depression and suicide rates rise.

Prepare for retirement by thinking about what some call “the second act”. What would you have wanted to do if you hadn’t done your career? Jimmy Carter is a perfect example. After his presidency, he went on to become a humanitarian, working on behalf of international human rights and Habitat for Humanity.”

Recognize that some physical abilities will decline, but giving up sports altogether isn’t the answer. People who are active in sports such as basketball or football should think ahead to activities such as golf or water polo that put less stress on the joints.

Also recognize in your 40s and 50s that parents and grandparents won’t be around forever. In anticipation of their getting old and dying, making contact and tying up loose ends can be useful.

Nurturing your spiritual side may be in order as you get older and face mortality. For many people who have drifted away from religion or spiritual practice, it’s sometimes comforting to reassess that. Do I need to connect with my religion or spend time becoming the spiritual person I want to become? Pay attention to it if it’s important to you.

Finally, just the way you figure out your finances, figure out what you need to make you happy, and if you have a medical problem or mental health problem, how will you deal with it. Make some strategic decisions about how you want to live your life.

Do Your Part

according to the Centre for Disease Control (CDC)Much of the illness, disability, and deaths associated with chronic disease are avoidable through known prevention measures, including a healthy lifestyle, early detection of diseases, immunizations, injury prevention, and programs to teach techniques to self-manage conditions such as pain and chronic diseases . While the future will undoubtedly bring medical advances in treatments and cures… but if you can keep all your parts original, they are the best.

Of course, this is not a road that you must commute alone. You can benefit through a service partnerships with In Our Care – Home Care Services to maximize your independence, mobility, safety and engagement in social and community events.

Please contact us today, to discuss any challenges you may be facing and how our services can help you remain independent, protected, safe, and in you home / community.

You got questions, we have answers: (905) 785-2341 or email us at 



The Most Common Age Related Issues

The Most Common Age Related Issues

Healthy Aging

Thanks to new medications and surgical techniques, people are living longer. However, the body we had at 55 will be a very different body than the one we have at 75. Many issues, both genetic and environmental, affect how we age. The most widespread condition affecting those 65 and older is coronary heart disease, followed by stroke, cancer, pneumonia and the flu. Accidents, especially falls that result in hip fractures, are also unfortunately common among the elderly population. Numbers and statistics are climbing as the aging population continues to escalate.


Many of our elders are coping with at least one of the following conditions, and many are dealing with two or more of the following


  • Heart conditions (hypertension, vascular disease, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure and coronary artery disease)
  • Dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease
  • Depression
  • Incontinence (urine and stool)
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Diabetes
  • Breathing problems
  • Frequent falls, which can lead to fractures
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Cancer
  • Eye problems (cataracts, glaucoma, Macular Degeneration)

As our body changes, other things to be aware of are:

  • A slowed reaction time, which is especially important when judging if a person can drive.
  • Thinner skin, which can lead to breakdowns and wounds that don’t heal quickly
  • A weakened immune system, which can make fighting off viruses, bacteria and diseases difficult
  • Diminished sense of taste or smell, especially for smokers, which can lead to diminished appetite and dehydration

The list can seem daunting. However, with proper care, elders have a life filled with joy.

Please browse our many other articles relating to specific topics.

Our aim is to ensure that seniors are protected, kept safe and well cared for. For those individuals who wish to continue living in their own homes, we offer a variety of services to support that very goal and serve you in ways you did not think possible: For example, we also offer a complete home maintenance plan so that you or your loved never has to deal directly with contractor in order to access services. We take care of that and minimized any risk of fraud or sub-standard services. Your golden years are your to enjoy and we want to ensure you do.

Please contact us today, to discuss any of the above mentioned challenges you may be facing and how our services can help you remain independent, protected, safe, and in you home / community.

You got questions, we have answers: (905) 785-2341 or email us at