
Delirium – Information for patients, families and Friends


It is our hope that this article will help you learn more about:

What is Delirium?

  • The signs and symptoms
  • How it can be prevented and
  • What families, friends and caregivers can do to help
  • Where to find more information

What is Delirium?

Weaving Secret Riddle Confusion Thread Patterns

Delirium is a condition that causes a person to be confused. It is a physical problem (a change in the body) that can cause temporary change in the person’s thinking. Delirium usually starts over a few days and often get better with treatment.

Delirium can happen to anyone, anywhere. But, it often happens when someone is in the Hospital


Once identified, delirium is often treated as a medical emergency. Treatment is put in place right away because it can be a risk to patient safety.


Delirium can cause patients to slip and fall or to feel a lot of emotional and spiritual distress. A person with delirium may not be able to understand when people are trying to help them. They may become angry with family and hospital staff. They may start to think that everyone is against them or are trying to harm them. Some people with delirium may want to call the police to get help.

Delirium is like being in the middle of a very strange dream or nightmare, but the person is having these experiences while they are fully awake.


What is the risk of delirium?

  • About 20 out of 100 patients admitted to hospital will experience.
  • About 70 patients out of 100 admitted to the intensive care unit will experience delirium. 


What causes delirium?

Delirium can be caused by:

A Physical illness (that brought someone to the hospital)
  • Someone who is ill can have changes in their body chemicals, become dehydrated (not enough water in the body) or get an infection, such as a bladder infect or urinary tract infection. These kinds of problems can cause delirium.



  • The medications the hospitals use to treat illness or control pain can cause delirium


Is delirium the same as depression or dementia?

No. Delirium can happen more often in people who have dementia or depression, but it is different.

Delirium happens quickly. It can come and go at any time. This does happen with dementia and depression.

Patients with delirium cannot focus their attention. This is different from patients with dementia and depression.


Types of Delirium

There are 2 types of delirium:

  1. Hypoactive delirium

This type of delirium happens most often in elderly patients but can affect anyone at any age.

Patients with hypoactive delirium may:

  • Move very slowly or not active
  • Not want to spend time with others
  • Pause frequently when speaking or not speak at all
  • Look sleepy
  1. Hyperactive delirium

This type of delirium is easier to recognize.

Patients with hyperactive delirium may:

  • May be worried and afraid
  • Be restless (not able to stay still or have trouble sleeping)
  • Repeat the same movement many times
  • Experience hallucinations (seeing something or someone that is not really there).
  • Experience delusions (believe something that is not true).

At times a patient can have both hypoactive and hyperactive symptoms.


What are the signs and symptoms of delirium?

A check list:

Disorganized thinking                                                      YES                NO

Saying things that are mixed up or do not make sense

Difficulty concentrating                                                   YES                NO

Easily distracted or having difficulty following what is being said

Memory changes                                                                YES                NO

Not able to remember names, places, dates, times or other important information

Hallucinations                                                                     YES                NO

Seeing or hearing things which are not real

Having delusions                                                                YES                NO

Thinking or believing things which are not true or real

Feeling restless .                                                                 YES                NO

Not able to stay still, trouble sleeping, getting out of bed

Changing energy levels                                                     YES                NO

Changes from being restless to being drowsy or sleepier than usual


How can delirium be prevented?

All patients should be carefully screened (checked) for these factors that may cause delirium:

  • Hearing problems
  • Vision problems
  • Not enough water in the body (dehydration)
  • Not being able to sleep or other sleep problems
  • Dementia, depression or both
  • Difficulty getting up and walking around
  • Medication being taken
  • History of alcohol or recreational drug use
  • Chemical changes or imbalances in your body
  • Low oxygen in your body
  • Other health condition or illness

Having trouble:

  • Thinking clearly, reasoning, remembering and judging
  • Concentrating
  • Understanding
  • Express ideas


How is delirium be treated?

  1. The health care team helps the patient stay safe and calm
  1. They will try to find the cause of the delirium. Often, there is more than one cause. They also make sure any factors they find are not caused by another medical condition
  1. Then they will address the factors or ease the symptoms.

This could include:

  • Reviewing and changing medications
  • Provide fluids to rehydrate
  • Correcting chemical problems in the body
  • Treat infections
  • Treating low oxygen levels


What can family and friends do to help?

Family and friends and caregivers can all help to prevent delirium for their loved ones in hospital.


Keep a careful watch for the signs and symptoms of delirium

  • If you see any signs that could mean delirium talk with your health care team right away. Family members are often the first to notice these small changes.
  • Use the signs and symptoms check list and factors list listed on this article to guide your findings.


Help with healthy eating and drinking while at the hospital

  • Ask what is right for your loved one before they eat and drink.
  • Make sure they have their dentures (if needed).
  • Encourage help with eating. Feel free to bring their favourite foods from home, check with the health care team about foods they should not eat.
  • Encourage them to drink often, if that is right for them.


Keep track of medications

  • Share a complete list of their prescriptions and any over the counter medications they take with the health care team… including the dosage.


Help with activity

  • Ask what is right for your loved one before starting any activities.
  • Talk to the team about helpful and safe activities.
  • Help them sit, stand and walk.


Help with mental stimulation

  • Make a schedule for family and friends to visit. This will help your loved one feel safe and comforted.
  • Speak to them in a calm, reassuring voice.
  • Tell them where they are and why they are there throughout the day. If possible, place a large sign in their room or write information on it.
  • For example, you could write: Today’s date, weather, where they are and their room number… this will help them stay connected.
  • Give them instructions one at a time. Do not give too much information at once.
  • Bring a few familiar objects from home, such as photo albums and their favourite music. If your loved one needs special care to prevent the spread of infection, check with the care team first.
  • Open the curtains during the day time.
  • Talk about current events.
  • Read the newspaper out loud or use talking books


Help them with eyesight and hearing

  • Make sure they wear their hearing aids or glasses, if they need them.
  • Make sure there is enough light in the room.
  • Help them use a magnifying glass, if they need one.


Help them rest and sleep

  • Reduce noise and distraction.
  • Soothe them with handholding, a massage, a warm drink or music.
  • Bring a night light, but check with the health care team first.
  • Use comfort items like their favourite pillow and blanket.
  • Limit the number of visitors who come to see your loved one until the delirium goes away.
  • The health care team may not give your loved one sleeping medications because it could make delirium worse.


Take care of yourself

It is not easy to be with a person with delirium, even though you may understand the problem

  • Make sure to look after yourself and get some rest. Go out for short walks, remember to eat and drink fluids to keep up your energy levels.
  • It may help to share your thoughts and feelings with someone. Feel free to speak with the health care team.
  • Try not to become upset about the things your loved one may say during their delirium state. People with delirium are not themselves. In many cases, they will not remember what they said or did.

Who can I talk to if I have more questions or concerns?

There are many members of the health care team who can offer help and support. Talk with your doctor or nurse and any member of the health care team, including a Psychiatry, Spiritual Care or Social Work departments. They will answer any questions or concerns you may have about delirium.


Delirium should go away or be greatly reduced with the right kinds of treatment… although in some cases some of the symptoms may remain for an extended period of time.

More information can be found on these helpful websites:

Delirium Mayo Clinic           

Delirium MedlinePlus                   www.nlm.nih/gov/medlineplus/delirium.html



Youtube – How to recognize Delirium   

Many other videos choices will be available when you log on to this site.


The Flu or a Cold?

Original Title: Sneeze_79bj.jpgIs It a Cold or Flu? How to Tell the Difference

This article is not intended to diagnose or determine if you have a cold or flu, simply as a quick reference to distinguish the two. I have collected and compiled as much simplified information as possible to help you identify your symptoms. However, there is no substitute to seeing you family doctor to validate your symptoms.

Colds and Influenza have so much in common that it can sometimes be hard to tell them apart. Both caused by viruses causing your airways to become infected. They share common symptoms that can leave you feeling miserable. You swear it’s a cold, your friend thinks it’s the flu, and the dozens of meds at the pharmacy that promise to make you feel human again claim to target both. So does the difference matter?

Absolutely, says Susan Rehm, MD, medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. The influenza virus causes the flu, and since just a few variants of the virus exist, it’s become relatively easy to prevent, with a flu shot, or treat once you’ve got it.

Cold’s can be trickier. The rhinovirus is often responsible, but more than 200 other viruses can trigger the common cold—which means anti-viral prescriptions aren’t typically an option. Instead, over-the-counter symptom-relievers and home remedies are your best bet—but you still need to tread carefully. To get the last word on how to treat—and how not to treat—the common cold and flu, we consulted experts from the field. Here are their tips.

It’s the flu if…

“It hits you like a bolt of lightning,” says Steven Lamm, MD, internist and faculty member at NYU School of Medicine and a frequent guest doctor on The View. “You’ll likely run a fever of above 101F, and you’ll be flat out,” says Dr. Lamm. Chills, fatigue, muscle aches, and tightness of the chest are also characteristic of the flu. You might have a cough, or a runny nose, but you’re less likely to suffer from upper respiratory symptoms than you are with the cold.

What to do…

Get to the doctor—and fast. “The prescription-only anti-viral medications Tamiflu and Relenza must be taken within 48 hours of the onset of the symptoms,” says Karen Hill, MD, the founder of Internal Medicine and Pediatric Associates in Houston. The treatment will reduce the intensity of symptoms, hasten recovery, and significantly decrease the chances of you developing complications such as pneumonia or bronchitis.

What not to do…

Taking several over the counter (OTC) drugs to treat your symptoms can be dangerous, causing you to inadvertently double-dose on any one ingredient, warns Dr. Rehm. “Combination meds sometimes contain acetaminophen without advertising it on the front of the box. If you also take, say, Tylenol, you’re in danger of toxification.”

Antibiotics are another no-no, says Dr. Lamm, because they target bacteria—not viruses. There’s a caveat, though: “When complications develop, like if someone coughs up green phlegm spotted with blood, this signals a bacterial infection, and here antibiotics could be appropriate,” says Dr. Lamm.

It’s a cold if…

“The symptoms are predominantly above the neck,” explains E. Neil Schachter, MD, author of The Good Doctor’s Guide to Colds and Flu. Runny nose, cough, watery eyes, sore throat, congestion, and sneezing signal a cold, and these unpleasant symptoms often build up over a day or two. “You may feel achy or have a fever, but these will be much less severe than with the flu,” says Dr. Schachter.

What to do…

To shave a few days off a cold, take daily 250-500mg of vitamin C at the onset of the illness, says Dr. Schachter. “But there’s no definitive evidence that this works, and too huge amounts will irritate your stomach,” he warns—but it’s worth a shot. Zinc lozenges, such as Cold-Eeze, taken regularly over 48 hours may potentially also help. If your symptoms get bad, hit the pharmacy or your local health food store. Antihistamines can dry up your sinuses, or, for a more natural remedy, Hill suggests a saline nasal spray. “Nasal passages are where the virus replicates and enters into your system,” explains Dr. Hill. “By rinsing them out you’re effectively flushing out some of the virus.”

What not to do…

If you have a mild fever—below 100°F—don’t necessarily reach for the fever reducer, advises Dr. Lamm. “Unless you’re in a high-risk category, fever can be your body’s way of fighting off the infection.” Instead, you may just be better off getting rest and drinking plenty of fluids to make sure you don’t get dehydrated from sweating. You should also avoid decongestants, says Dr. Hill. These thicken mucus and reduce the swelling of the nasal passages, making it easier breathe—but they can also lead to a rebound effect: “They work well the first time,” says Dr. Hill, “but with every subsequent use you’ll have to administer more, and you’ll have to medicate more frequently for relief.”

There are enough differences, though, that may help you figure out which one you have. That can make a difference in what you do to treat your symptoms and keep it from going around.


It’s true that you can get a cold anytime — spring, summer or fall, but most likely in winter.  Flu season typically runs from November through March, although you can get the flu in October or as late as May.

You can catch the flu at other times. But symptoms outside of flu season are more likely to be from a cold or an allergy.

Flu symptoms usually come on faster than cold symptoms. Colds may take two or three days to develop. Normally, you start feeling the flu over just two to three hours.

Flu tends to be much worse than a cold.  And the flu, especially in children and among older people, is more likely to lead to serious health problems such as pneumonia and a hospital stay.

Influenza vs. Common Cold

This chart features some tips to help you differentiate between the symptoms of influenza and the common cold. Rarely, bur sometimes symptoms may not be enough for your doctor to diagnose if you have a cold or the flu, he may order a test to determine what you have.

Symptom Cold Flu
Fever Rare Fever between 100 and 102 in most cases; typically lasts 3-4 day
Chills Not common About half of people with flu get them.
Muscle or body aches Not common. If they do occur, usually mild Common and often severe
Headaches Not common Most cases; may be sudden
Feelings of fatigue, weakness May occur, generally mild Moderate to severe fatigue and weakness; may last up to 2-3 weeks
Cough Common, generally mild to moderate, usually produces phlegm Dry cough (no phlegm) that may be severe; may last several weeks
Sneezing and stuffy nose Common. Stuffy nose may last about a week. Sometimes
Sore throat Common Sometimes
Chest discomfort Sometimes; generally mild Common; may be severe
Vomiting and diarrhea Unusual Not usual; most often in children

You’re Sick! Should You Work Out?

If you’re exercising consistently—and I hope you are—you’ll run into this problem from time to time. According to the American Council on Exercise, the average adult has two to three respiratory infections every year. (Consider this, another reason to get your flu shot.)

The rule to use is called the “neck check.” You can exercise while sick if your symptoms are all above the neck, like a runny nose or a sore throat. Of course, you should always listen to your body and take the intensity of your workout down a bit if your regular pace feels too strenuous.

If you’re suffering from congestion or low energy, exercise often helps you feel better. A brisk walk can unclog your sinuses better than an afternoon on the couch. And gentle exercise will rev up your circulation, to counteract that sluggish, rundown feeling. But this is definitely a personal decision. You’re the best judge of how you feel and what your body can handle when you’re sick.

However, if you have any symptoms below the neck, such as body aches, chills, stomach problems or diarrhea, then it is advise you to take it easy until you’re feeling better. And if you’re running a fever, no matter where your symptoms are, put off exercising until your temperature returns to normal.

Maintaining healthy habits may keep you from getting sick in the first place. So wash your hands frequently, eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water and get adequate sleep. If you can find some room on your calendar, be sure to schedule a little “me time” to relax.

One more thing: If you exercise in a public setting, like a gym, please consider your fellow exercisers and think about how contagious you might be. If you can’t get through a single set on a weight machine without coughing or sneezing, you have my permission to stay home with a box of tissues and some hot tea!

To take, or not to take a Flu-Shot?

There are as many debates as there are advantages and disadvantages about taking or declining the flu-shot.

The flu vaccine isn’t for everyone. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention explains that infants younger than six months of age are not approved to receive the vaccine. Anyone with an allergy to eggs also cannot receive the vaccine because it is developed and grown on eggs and could cause a serious reaction if injected into an allergic individual. Patients who are sick with any sort of illness that is accompanied with a fever cannot receive the vaccine until they have fully recovered.

Side effects common with the flu shot include localized soreness at the injection site, low-grade fever and body aches, explains the CDC. The flu shot is made of an inactive or dead viruses, therefore contracting the flu from the flu shot is not possible. Although more serious side affects have been documented – Other rare side affects.

The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and other experts strongly affirm that the benefits far outweigh the affects. Clearly, this is decision to be made in conjunction with your family doctor who intimately knows your medical conditions, history, tolerances and risk factors.

Please contact us today, to discuss any challenges you may be facing and how our services can help you remain independent, protected, safe, and in you home / community.

You got questions, we have answers: (905) 785-2341 or email us at 

Water – More than an Element


It’s common knowledge that you can go with out food much longer than you can without water. Fact: The human body needs air, food and water to survive. However, two out of the three requires our actions to attain it. Air intake is more like an internal instinct activated at birth and expires upon death. We can barely go 3 minutes (max) without slipping into an unconscious state.

Food: A human can go for more than three weeks (3) without food (Mahatma Gandhi survived 21 days of complete starvation). The body is an efficient machine that harvest fat and muscle store in the body and organs to sustain it.

Water: A lack of fluid intake causes problems with kidney function within just a few days, particularly if a person is active (not bed ridden). One week is a generous estimate. Three to four days would be more typical. After which time vital organs systemically shut down due to dehydration.

Do you need more water in the summer than you do in the winter months? Our bodies are constantly losing water, which is why drinking a glass of H20 once a day is not enough to keep the body replenished. We lose water when we sweat, go to the bathroom — even when we exhale. Under extreme conditions an adult can lose 1 to 1.5 liters of sweat per hour. So it really depends on your personal physical activity, heat exposure and rate of perspiration.

human_body_composition-_better_coloursWhy should I drink water?

Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids. Your body is composed of about 60% water. Water aides in digestion, absorption, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintain optimal body temperature.

Water helps energize muscles. Cells that don’t maintain their balance of fluids and electrolytes shrivel, which can result in muscle fatigue.

Water can help control calories. For years, dieters have been drinking copious amounts of water as a weight loss strategy. While water doesn’t have any magical effect on weight loss, substituting it for high calorie beverages can certainly help. Doing so will also give you that fuller feeling causing you to eat less.

Water helps keep skin looking good. Your skin contains plenty of water, and functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. However, do NOT expect over hydration to erase all signs of aging… but lack of hydration will certainly magnify the affects of aging.

Other reasons:

  • Cools you down, especially in hotter weather
  • Lubricates your tissues and joints
  • Dissolves soluble compounds
  • Helps flush toxins from your system

There are free phone applications on smartphones that monitor your water drinking habits:

  • Hydro drink water
  • Water your body
  • Drink water
  • Hydro Coach

Water6Tips to help you drink more water

If you think you need to be drinking more, here are some tips to increase your fluid intake and reap the benefits of water:

  • Have a beverage with every snack and meal
  • Choose beverages you enjoy; You’re likely to drink more fluids if you like the way they taste (try lemon in your water) as a substitute to high sugary drinks.
  • Keep a bottle of water, at you desk, or in your bag
  • Choose beverages that meet your individual needs. If you’re watching calories, go for non-caloric beverages

Drinking water is not the only way to hydrate. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Their high water content will add to your hydration. About 20% of our fluid intake comes from foods.

Veggies with high water content Fruits with high water content
Cucumber Watermelon
Lettuce Grapefruits
Zucchini Oranges
Tomatoes Strawberries
Radishes Cantaloupes
Celery Peaches
Eggplant Raspberries
Cauliflower Blueberries
Broccoli Cranberries 

How much is enough?

Many of us have probably heard the 8 by 8 rule stating that we should drink eight, eight ounces glasses of water daily. However, there are no studies that strongly support this theory.

The amount of water one should consume is individualized. For the most part, a healthy person should note that thirst is the first indication that our bodies need more water. Try to stay hydrated enough so that you do not feel thirsty often.



Water Facts:

  • An easy way to gauge how well hydrated we are, is to simply look at our urine. It should be fairly clear… if it is dark yellow, you may need to drink more water.
  • If you constantly feel hungry, try drinking more water between meals. What you believe to be hunger, may actually be your body way of saying you need more hydration.

Some factors that may require you to drink more water than the average person are:

  • Medications for heart, stomach ulcers or depression – can alter your thirst mechanism
  • Diabetes
  • The elderly can sometimes have a poorly regulated thirst mechanism
  • People who have problems with kidney stones or chronic urinary tract infections
  • Athletes, children playing outdoors or anyone working outside during a hot summer day may require more


Please contact us today, to discuss any challenges you may be facing and how our services can help you remain independent, protected, safe, and in you home / community.

You got questions, we have answers: (905) 785-2341 or email us at